Easy Report

easy_report package provides an easy way of reporting and managing users, posts, comments, photos, chat, and other user generated contents. It is designed to be used in any kind of app that has user generated contents. It provides a way of reporting users and their contents.


  • Let admin list the reported users and their contents. And decide to block(disbable) their account. So that they cannot use the app.


  • It does not require an input from user to avoid the inconveniencing the user. Instead, it ask users to press a button for the reason of the report. And it offers three options. Spam, Abusive, Other and I think these are enough.

  • It saves

    • The uid of the user who is responsible for the data. It can be the uid of the user who created the data or the uid of the user who is the admin of the data.
    • the path of the data. The data can be a path of realtime database or a path of firestore document.
    • The type of the data. It can be user, post, comment, photo, chat, etc.
    • The reason of the report. It can be spam, abusive, other.
    • The summary of the report. It can be a text that describes the report. Or it can be a text that describes the reason of the report. Or it can be a text that describes the data.

Database Structure

  • reports/$reportKey path

    • $reportKey is the node data key.
      • reportee field: The uid of the user who is responsible for the data.

      • reporter field: The uid of the user who created the report. It is usually the login user's uid.

      • path field: The path of the data. It can be a path of realtime database or a path of firestore document.

      • type field: The type of the data. It can be user, post, comment, photo, chat, etc.

      • reason field: The reason of the report. It can be spam, abusive, other.

      • summary field: The summary of the report.

      • createdAt field: The time when the report is created.

  • reports/---key-list/$reportKey path

    • ---key-list is the node data key. It holds all the report Keys. This is for admin's report listing purpose.
      • $reportKey field: This key is the reoprt key. It has uid as value.

How to use


  • You may(or may not) want to initialize the ReportService before using it.
  • With the init method, you can
    • customize the onCreate callback. The onCreate callback is called after the report is created. It contains the newly created report information.
    • set the path of user name and photo url. The default path is user-mirrors/{uid}/name and user-mirrors/{uid}/photoUrl. If your database has different structure, you can set the path with userNamePath and photoUrlPath parameters.

Displaying a report button

You can display report button like this. And call the report method.

  onPressed: () async {
    await ReportService.instance.report(
      context: context,
      otherUid: user.uid,
      documentReference: user.ref,
  child: const Text('Report'),

Displaying the list of blocks

You can display the list of blocked users.

  onPressed: () =>
  child: const Text(
    'Report list',

UI/UX customization

It's open source. You can simply open the source code of this package and copy/paste/edit the code. The code would be easy enough to re-use.

  • To display the reports that the login user made, call ReportService.instance.showReportListScreen().
  • To customize the UI of the report list screen, you can create your own screen and use ReportListView.
    • ReportListView supports most of the properties of the list view widget.

onCreate CallBack

The onCreate is a callback after the report is created. It contains the newly created report information.

Usage: (e.g. send push notification admin about the report)

In the example below, we can send push notification to admin after report is created.

      onCreate: (Report report) async {
        /// set push notification. e.g. send push notification to reportee
        /// or developer can send push notification to admin
          uids: [report.reportee],
          title: 'You have been reported',
          body: 'Report reason ${report.reason}',
          data: {
            "action": 'report',
            'reportId': report.id,
            'documentReference': report.documentReference.toString(),