fromURLWithDownloadProgress static method

void fromURLWithDownloadProgress(
  1. String url, {
  2. Map<String, String>? headers,
  3. CacheManager? cacheManager,
  4. bool clearPreviewCache = true,
  5. required void downloadProgress(
    1. DownloadProgress downloadProgress
  6. required void onDownloadComplete(
    1. PDFDocument document

Load a PDF File from a given URL, notifies download progress until completed File is saved in cache

String url url of the pdf file Map<String,String headers headers to pass for the url CacheManager cacheManager to provide configuration for cache management Automatically clears the on-disk cache of previously rendered PDF previews unless clearPreviewCache is set to false. The option to disable it comes in handy when working with more than one document at the same time. If you do this, you are responsible for eventually clearing the cache by hand by calling PDFDocument.clearPreviewCache. Use downloadProgress to get the download progress information. NOTE that downloadProgress is not called after onDownloadComplete. Once the download is finished, onDownloadComplete is called. If the file is already available, onDownloadComplete is called directly.


static void fromURLWithDownloadProgress(
  String url, {
  Map<String, String>? headers,
  CacheManager? cacheManager,
  bool clearPreviewCache = true,
  required void Function(DownloadProgress downloadProgress) downloadProgress,
  required void Function(PDFDocument document) onDownloadComplete,
}) {
  StreamSubscription<FileResponse>? streamSubscription;
  final fileResponse = (cacheManager ?? DefaultCacheManager())
      .getFileStream(url, headers: headers, withProgress: true);

  streamSubscription = fileResponse.listen(
    (event) async {
      if (event is DownloadProgress) {;

      if (event is FileInfo) {
        final pdfDocument =
            await fromFile(event.file, clearPreviewCache: clearPreviewCache);;