Easy Paypal
- Native Paypal Checkout Module by InspireUI company
Fluxstore is a universal e-commerce app inspired by Flutter framework, made by Google. With the mission of reducing thousands of hours of business spent on designing, developing and testing a mobile app, Fluxstore comes as a complete solution for optimizing to deliver your app to the market with high productivity and cost-efficiency. It could be able to satisfy all of the business requirements including e-commerce functionalities, impressive UX design and smooth performance on both iOS and Android devices.
- easy_paypal
- easy_paypal_method_channel
- easy_paypal_platform_interface
- enums/billing_type
- enums/currency_code
- enums/environment
- enums/index
- enums/item_category
- enums/order_intent
- enums/processing_instruction
- enums/shipping_change_type
- enums/shipping_method_type
- enums/shipping_preference
- enums/shipping_type
- enums/user_action
- extensions/string_extension
- models/address
- models/amount
- models/approval_data
- models/buyer
- models/cart
- models/cart_address
- models/cart_amounts
- models/checkout_callback
- models/checkout_config
- models/error_info
- models/index
- models/item
- models/items
- models/map_helper
- models/name
- models/options
- models/order
- models/order_address
- models/order_amount
- models/order_app_context
- models/payee
- models/purchase_unit
- models/shipping
- models/shipping_change_data
- models/shipping_methods
- models/unit_amount
- models/vault_data