getConfiguration method

Future<PtzConfiguration> getConfiguration(
  1. String referenceToken

Get a specific PTZconfiguration from the device, identified by its reference token or name.

The default Position/Translation/Velocity Spaces are introduced to allow NVCs sending move requests without the need to specify a certain coordinate system. The default Speeds are introduced to control the speed of move requests (absolute, relative, preset), where no explicit speed has been set.

The allowed pan and tilt range for Pan/Tilt Limits is defined by a two-dimensional space range that is mapped to a specific Absolute Pan/Tilt Position Space. At least one Pan/Tilt Position Space is required by the PTZNode to support Pan/Tilt limits. The limits apply to all supported absolute, relative and continuous Pan/Tilt movements. The limits shall be checked within the coordinate system for which the limits have been specified. That means that even if movements are specified in a different coordinate system, the requested movements shall be transformed to the coordinate system of the limits where the limits can be checked. When a relative or continuous movements is specified, which would leave the specified limits, the PTZ unit has to move along the specified limits. The Zoom Limits have to be interpreted accordingly.



Future<PtzConfiguration> getConfiguration(String referenceToken) async {

  final responseEnvelope = await transport.securedRequest(
        request: PtzRequest.getConfiguration(referenceToken),

  if (responseEnvelope.body.hasFault) {
    throw Exception(responseEnvelope.body.fault.toString());

  return GetConfigurationResponse.fromJson(responseEnvelope.body.response!)