requestWithSinglePATH<T extends HttpDataParser<T>> method

  1. @override
Future<EasyHttpRequestResponse<T>> requestWithSinglePATH<T extends HttpDataParser<T>>({
  1. required T model,
  2. required EasyHttpType requestType,
  3. String extraUri = '',
  4. Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const {},
  5. bool returnModel = false,

Method to make request by EasyHttpType on SINGLE API PATH.


model (required): The model that will be handled in the query. You must implement HttpDataParser.

extraUri (optional): If apart from the base api that you initialized the package with, you need to add more information.


Your api base is and your endpoint to consult is in this parameter you add the part of users to complete the endpoint

queryParams (optional): You can send the query parameters directly in the path, but it is more recommended to use key: value for this.

Example: has id = 3 as a parameter. With this property you can do this: {"id": 3}

And it will be exactly the same

returnModel(optional): You can set it to true if your service returns a json of your model that has just been created and you need that information to save it locally or to update the UI


    requestWithSinglePATH<T extends HttpDataParser<T>>({
  required T model,
  required EasyHttpType requestType,
  String extraUri = '',
  Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const {},
  bool returnModel = false,
}) async {
  final client = EasyHttpClient.singleClient;

  return await _makeRequest<T>(
    client: client,
    model: model,
    requestType: requestType,
    extraUri: extraUri,
    queryParams: queryParams,