
easy_graphql is a Flutter library that provides an easy-to-use interface for sending GraphQL queries, mutations, and subscriptions to a GraphQL API.


Creating a GraphqlClient instance

To use easy_graphql, you first need to create a GraphqlClient instance:

import 'package:easy_graphql/easy_graphql.dart';

final GraphqlClient client = GraphqlClient(
  url: 'https://example.com/graphql',
  token: 'your-auth-token',

The GraphqlClient constructor takes two parameters:

  • url (required): The URL of the GraphQL API.
  • token (optional): The authorization token to be sent with each request.

Sending a query

To send a GraphQL query, call the query method on the GraphqlClient instance:

final QueryResult result = await client.query('''
  query {
    users {

The query method takes two parameters:

  • query (required): The GraphQL query to send.
  • variables (optional): The variables to include with the query.

The query method returns a QueryResult that contains the results of the query.

Sending a mutation

To send a GraphQL mutation, call the mutate method on the GraphqlClient instance:

final QueryResult result = await client.mutate('''
  mutation {
    createUser(name: "John", email: "john@example.com") {

The mutate method takes two parameters:

  • mutation (required): The GraphQL mutation to send.
  • variables (optional): The variables to include with the mutation.

The mutate method returns a QueryResult that contains the results of the mutation.

Subscribing to a subscription

To subscribe to a GraphQL subscription, call the subscribe method on the GraphqlClient instance:

final Stream<QueryResult> stream = client.subscribe('''
  subscription {
    newUser {

The subscribe method takes two parameters:

  • subscription (required): The GraphQL subscription to subscribe to.
  • variables (optional): The variables to include with the subscription.

The subscribe method returns a Stream of QueryResults that contains the results of the subscription.

Caching query results

easy_graphql automatically caches the results of GraphQL queries. To retrieve the cached results, call the readQuery method on the GraphQLCache instance:

final QueryResult result = client.cache.readQuery('''
  query {
    users {

The readQuery method takes one parameter:

  • query (required): The GraphQL query to retrieve from the cache.

The readQuery method returns a QueryResult that contains the cached results of the query.


We welcome contributions to easy_graphql! If you'd like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository on GitHub.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix.
  3. Write your code and tests.
  4. Ensure that all tests pass.
  5. Submit a pull request.


easy_graphql is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

