AuthStrings.english constructor

  1. dynamic signInWithEmail = "Sign in with email",
  2. dynamic signInWithGoogle = "Sign in with Google",
  3. dynamic signInAnonymous = "Continue without registering",
  4. dynamic understood = "Ok",
  5. dynamic changePassword = "Change password",
  6. dynamic cancel = "Cancel",
  7. dynamic accept = "Acept",
  8. dynamic next = "NEXT",
  9. dynamic forgotPassword = "¿Forgot password?",
  10. dynamic weWillSendYouAnEmailToChangePassword = "We will send you an email to \$ with instructions on how to change the password",
  11. dynamic emailSentToChangePassword = 'We have sent you an emai to \$',
  12. dynamic emailRegisteredEnterPasswordNoticeMarkdown = "## Hello again! \n You have already used __\$__ to log in. Enter the password for this account.",
  13. dynamic privacyMarkdown = "I accept the privacy policy and the terms of use",
  14. dynamic errorWeakPassword = 'The password is not secure',
  15. dynamic errorInvalidEmail = 'Invalid email',
  16. dynamic errorEmailAlreadyInUse = 'That email is already in use',
  17. dynamic errorWrongPassword = 'Wrong password',
  18. dynamic errorUserNotFound = 'User not found',
  19. dynamic errorUserDisabled = 'Disabled user',
  20. dynamic errorTooManyRequests = 'You made too many requests, please try again later',
  21. dynamic errorOperationNotAllowed = 'Operation not allowed',
  22. dynamic emailNotValid = 'Invalid email',
  23. dynamic emailCantBeEmpty = 'Email cannot be empty',
  24. dynamic nameCantBeEmpty = 'The name cannot be empty',
  25. dynamic passwordTooShort = "The password is too short",
  26. dynamic email = "Email",
  27. dynamic passwordHint = 'Password',
  28. dynamic passwordEmpty = 'Enter a password',
  29. dynamic nameHint = 'Name',
  30. dynamic loginAppBarTitle = "Login",


factory AuthStrings.english(
    {signInWithEmail = "Sign in with email",
    signInWithGoogle = "Sign in with Google",
    signInAnonymous = "Continue without registering",
    understood = "Ok",
    changePassword = "Change password",
    cancel = "Cancel",
    accept = "Acept",
    next = "NEXT",
    forgotPassword = "¿Forgot password?",
    weWillSendYouAnEmailToChangePassword =
        "We will send you an email to \$ with instructions on how to change the password",
    emailSentToChangePassword = 'We have sent you an emai to \$',
    emailRegisteredEnterPasswordNoticeMarkdown =
        "## Hello again! \n You have already used __\$__ to log in. Enter the password for this account.",
    privacyMarkdown = "I accept the privacy policy and the terms of use",
    errorWeakPassword = 'The password is not secure',
    errorInvalidEmail = 'Invalid email',
    errorEmailAlreadyInUse = 'That email is already in use',
    errorWrongPassword = 'Wrong password',
    errorUserNotFound = 'User not found',
    errorUserDisabled = 'Disabled user',
    errorTooManyRequests =
        'You made too many requests, please try again later',
    errorOperationNotAllowed = 'Operation not allowed',
    emailNotValid = 'Invalid email',
    emailCantBeEmpty = 'Email cannot be empty',
    nameCantBeEmpty = 'The name cannot be empty',
    passwordTooShort = "The password is too short",
    email = "Email",
    passwordHint = 'Password',
    passwordEmpty = 'Enter a password',
    nameHint = 'Name',
    loginAppBarTitle = "Login"}) {
  return AuthStrings(
    signInWithEmail: signInWithEmail,
    signInWithGoogle: signInWithGoogle,
    signInAnonymous: signInAnonymous,
    understood: understood,
    changePassword: changePassword,
    cancel: cancel,
    accept: accept,
    next: next,
    forgotPassword: forgotPassword,
    emailSentToChangePassword: emailSentToChangePassword,
    privacyMarkdown: privacyMarkdown,
    errorWeakPassword: errorWeakPassword,
    errorInvalidEmail: errorInvalidEmail,
    errorEmailAlreadyInUse: errorEmailAlreadyInUse,
    errorWrongPassword: errorWrongPassword,
    errorUserNotFound: errorUserNotFound,
    errorUserDisabled: errorUserDisabled,
    errorTooManyRequests: errorTooManyRequests,
    errorOperationNotAllowed: errorOperationNotAllowed,
    emailNotValid: emailNotValid,
    emailCantBeEmpty: emailCantBeEmpty,
    nameCantBeEmpty: nameCantBeEmpty,
    passwordTooShort: passwordTooShort,
    email: email,
    passwordHint: passwordHint,
    passwordEmpty: passwordEmpty,
    nameHint: nameHint,
    loginAppBarTitle: loginAppBarTitle,