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Discord Server Invite Kakao_Talk

It's an easy-to-use and elegant library based on event bus. It was greatly inspired by EventBus and made much simpler.


Step 1: Subscribe to an Event

First, set up a subscription for the desired event. This allows you to listen for and react to the event whenever it is triggered.

EasyEventBus.on('sayHello', (event) {
  print(event); // write your code here.

Step 2: Trigger the Event

Next, trigger the event at the appropriate time in your application. This will notify all subscribers of the event.'sayHello', 'hello world'); // Triggers the event with a any data.

Note: The event data can be of any type, giving you flexibility in what information you pass to the subscribers.

That's All!


1. Cancel Subscription

To cancel a subscription, you call the cancel method. This example shows how to cancel all subscriptions for the 'sayHello' event, both anonymous and with identifiers.

// Cancel all subscriptions to the 'sayHello' event.

2. Cancel Specific Subscription

Before canceling a specific subscription, you first need to create a subscription with an identifier (id). Here is how to subscribe to an event with an id and then cancel that specific subscription by calling the cancel method with the same id.

First, subscribe to an event with an id:

// Subscribe to the 'sayHello' event with an identifier.
EasyEventBus.on('sayHello', (event) {
  print('Received: $event');
}, id: 'uniqueId123');

Then, cancel the subscription using the same id:

// Cancel the subscription to the 'sayHello' event using the identifier 'uniqueId123'.
EasyEventBus.cancel('sayHello', id: 'uniqueId123');

3. Cancel All Subscriptions

You can cancel all subscriptions by calling the cancelAll method. This method cancels all subscriptions for all events and closes all event controllers.

// Cancel all subscriptions and close all event controllers.

