easy_debounce_throttle library
- DebounceHandler
- DebounceHandler perform debounce function.
- EasyDebounce
- EasyDebounce provides the debounce function as Stream.
- EasyDebounceBuilder
- EasyDebounceBuilder provides the debounce function as Widget.
- EasyThrottle
- EasyThrottle provides the throttle function as Stream.
- EasyThrottleBuilder
- EasyThrottleBuilder provides the debounce function as Widget.
- ThrottleHandler
- ThrottleHandler perform throttle function.
- DebounceCallback = dynamic Function(VoidCallback callback)
- EasyDebounceWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, DebounceCallback debounceCallback)
- EasyThrottleWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, ThrottleCallback throttleCallback)
- ThrottleCallback = dynamic Function(VoidCallback callback)