
Pub Dart CI

easy_api_client is a Dart package designed to simplify integration with RESTful APIs by providing an easy-to-use API client.


  • Simplified API Calls: Easily make GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests with minimal code.
  • Error Handling: Built-in error handling for common HTTP status codes and network issues.
  • Configurable: Customize headers, timeouts, and other HTTP client settings.
  • Asynchronous: Fully asynchronous operations using Dart's async and await for non-blocking requests.


Add the following to your pubspec.yaml:

  easy_api_client: ^1.0.0
Then, run flutter pub get.

Import the package:

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import 'package:easy_api_client/easy_api_client.dart';
Create an instance of EasyApiClient:

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final apiClient = EasyApiClient(baseUrl: 'https://api.example.com');
Making GET Requests
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try {
  final response = await apiClient.get('/users');
  // Handle successful response
} catch (e) {
  // Handle error
Making POST Requests
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try {
  final response = await apiClient.post('/users', body: {'name': 'John Doe'});
  // Handle successful response
} catch (e) {
  // Handle error
For more details and advanced usage, refer to the API Reference.

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on GitHub.

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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### Explanation:

- **Title and Badges**: Start with a clear title (`easy_api_client`) and include badges such as the version badge from Pub and build status badge.
- **Introduction**: Briefly describe what the package does (`easy_api_client` for easy integration with RESTful APIs).
- **Features**: List key features that the package provides to users.
- **Installation**: Provide clear instructions on how to install the package using `pubspec.yaml` and `flutter pub get`.
- **Usage**: Provide examples and code snippets for basic usage scenarios, such as making GET and POST requests.
- **API Reference**: Link to the API reference documentation for more detailed information.
- **Contributing**: Encourage contributions and provide links to GitHub repository for issues and pull requests.
- **License**: Specify the license under which the package is released.

Customize this template according to your specific package features and details, and make sure to replace placeholders like `your_username` with your actual GitHub username or repository name. This will help users understand your package quickly and effectively use it in their projects.


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