easy_ads_flutter library
- Ad
- The base class for all ads.
- AdapterResponseInfo
- Response information for an individual ad network in an ad response.
- AdapterStatus
- An immutable snapshot of a mediation adapter's initialization status.
- AdError
- Error information about why an ad operation failed.
- AdEvent
- AdEvent is used to pass data inside event streams in easy ads instance You can use this to distinguish between different event types and each event type has a data attached to it.
- AdManagerAdRequest
- Targeting info per the Ad Manager API.
- AdManagerBannerAd
- A banner ad displayed with Google Ad Manager.
- AdManagerBannerAdListener
- A listener for receiving notifications for the lifecycle of an AdManagerBannerAd.
- AdManagerInterstitialAd
- A full-screen interstitial ad for use with Ad Manager.
- AdManagerInterstitialAdLoadCallback
- This class holds callbacks for loading an AdManagerInterstitialAd.
- AdRequest
- Targeting info per the AdMob API.
- AdSize
- AdSize represents the size of a banner ad.
- AdWidget
- Displays an Ad as a Flutter widget.
- AdWithoutView
- An Ad that is overlaid on top of the UI.
- AdWithView
- Base class for mobile Ad that has an in-line view.
- AdWithViewListener
- Shared event callbacks used in Native and Banner ads.
- AnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSize
- An AdSize with the given width and a Google-optimized height to create a banner ad.
- AppAdIds
- AppEventListener
- Listener for app events.
- AppLifecycleReactor
- Listens for app foreground events and shows app open ads.
- AppOpenAd
- A full-screen app open ad for the Google Mobile Ads Plugin.
- AppOpenAdLoadCallback
- This class holds callbacks for loading an AppOpenAd.
- AppStateEventNotifier
- Notifies changes in app foreground/background.
- BannerAd
- A banner ad.
- BannerAdListener
- A listener for receiving notifications for the lifecycle of a BannerAd.
- ConsentDebugSettings
- Debug settings to hardcode in test requests.
- ConsentForm
- A rendered form for collecting consent from a user.
- ConsentInformation
- Utility methods for collecting consent from users.
- ConsentManager
- The Google Mobile Ads SDK provides the User Messaging Platform (Google's IAB Certified consent management platform) as one solution to capture consent for users in GDPR impacted countries. This is an example and you can choose another consent management platform to capture consent.
- ConsentRequestParameters
- Parameters sent on updating user consent info.
- EasyAdBase
- EasyAdmobAppOpenAd
- EasyAdmobBannerAd
- EasyAds
- EasyBannerAd
- EasySmartBannerAd
- EasyUnityBannerAd
- FluidAdManagerBannerAd
- An 'AdManagerBannerAd' that has fluid ad size.
- FluidAdSize
- A dynamically sized banner that matches its parent's width and content height.
- FluidAdWidget
- A widget for displaying FluidAdManagerBannerAd.
- FormError
- Error information about why a form operation failed.
T> - Generic parent class for ad load callbacks.
Ad> - Callback events for for full screen ads, such as Rewarded and Interstitial.
- IAdIdManager
- InitializationStatus
- The status of the SDK initialization.
- InlineAdaptiveSize
- A size for inline adaptive banner ads.
- InterstitialAd
- A full-screen interstitial ad for the Google Mobile Ads Plugin.
- InterstitialAdLoadCallback
- This class holds callbacks for loading an InterstitialAd.
- LoadAdError
- Represents errors that occur when loading an ad.
- MaxAdContentRating
- Values for RequestConfiguration.maxAdContentRating.
- MediationExtras
- Contains information for a particular ad network set by developer.
- MobileAds
- Class contains logic that applies to the Google Mobile Ads SDK as a whole.
- NativeAd
- A NativeAd.
- NativeAdListener
- A listener for receiving notifications for the lifecycle of a NativeAd.
- NativeAdOptions
- Used to configure native ad requests.
- NativeTemplateStyle
- Style options for native templates.
- NativeTemplateTextStyle
- Text style options for native templates.
- RequestConfiguration
- Contains targeting information that can be applied to all ad requests.
- ResponseInfo
- Contains information about the loaded ad or ad request.
- RewardedAd
- An Ad where a user has the option of interacting with in exchange for in-app rewards.
- RewardedAdLoadCallback
- This class holds callbacks for loading a RewardedAd.
- RewardedInterstitialAd
- Rewarded interstitials are full screen ads that reward users and can be shown without a user opt in.
- RewardedInterstitialAdLoadCallback
- This class holds callbacks for loading a RewardedInterstitialAd.
- RewardItem
- Credit information about a reward received from a RewardedAd or RewardedInterstitialAd.
- ServerSideVerificationOptions
- Options for RewardedAd server-side verification callbacks.
- SmartBannerAdSize
- Ad units that render screen-width banner ads on any screen size across different devices in either Orientation.
- TagForChildDirectedTreatment
- Values for RequestConfiguration.tagForChildDirectedTreatment.
- TagForUnderAgeOfConsent
- Values for RequestConfiguration.tagForUnderAgeOfConsent.
- TestAdIdManager
- VideoOptions
- Options for controlling video playback in supported ad formats.
- AdapterInitializationState
- The initialization state of the mediation adapter.
- AdChoicesPlacement
- Indicates preferred location of AdChoices icon.
- AdEventType
- AdNetwork
- AdUnitType
- AppState
- The app foreground/background state.
- ConsentStatus
- Consent status values.
- DebugGeography
- Debug values for testing geography.
- MediaAspectRatio
- Media aspect ratio for native ads.
- NativeTemplateFontStyle
- Font types for native templates.
- PrecisionType
- Allowed constants for precision type in OnPaidEventCallback.
- PrivacyOptionsRequirementStatus
- Values indicate whether a privacy options button is required.
- TemplateType
- Template types for NativeTemplateStyle.
- AdEventCallback = void Function(Ad ad)
- The callback type to handle an event occurring for an Ad.
- AdLoadErrorCallback = void Function(Ad ad, LoadAdError error)
- The callback type to handle an error loading an Ad.
- EasyAdCallback = void Function(AdNetwork adNetwork, AdUnitType adUnitType, Object? data)
- EasyAdEarnedReward = void Function(AdNetwork adNetwork, AdUnitType adUnitType, String? rewardType, num? rewardAmount)
- EasyAdFailedCallback = void Function(AdNetwork adNetwork, AdUnitType adUnitType, Object? data, String errorMessage)
- EasyAdNetworkInitialized = void Function(AdNetwork adNetwork, bool isInitialized, Object? data)
- FullScreenAdLoadErrorCallback = void Function(LoadAdError error)
- A callback type for when an error occurs loading a full screen ad.
Ad> = void Function(Ad ad) - Generic callback type for an event occurring on an Ad.
- OnConsentFormDismissedListener = void Function(FormError? formError)
- Callback to be invoked when a consent form is dismissed.
- OnConsentFormLoadFailureListener = void Function(FormError formError)
- Callback to be invoked when a consent form failed to load.
- OnConsentFormLoadSuccessListener = void Function(ConsentForm consentForm)
- Callback to be invoked when a consent form loads successfully
- OnConsentInfoUpdateFailureListener = void Function(FormError error)
- Callback to be invoked when consent info failed to update.
- OnConsentInfoUpdateSuccessListener = void Function()
- Callback to be invoked when consent info is successfully updated.
- OnFluidAdHeightChangedListener = void Function(FluidAdManagerBannerAd ad, double height)
- The callback type for when a fluid ad's height changes.
- OnPaidEventCallback = void Function(Ad ad, double valueMicros, PrecisionType precision, String currencyCode)
- The callback type for when an ad receives revenue value.
- OnUserEarnedRewardCallback = void Function(AdWithoutView ad, RewardItem reward)
- The callback type for when a user earns a reward.