utils library

Utility functions used by the generated code.

Generated clients SHOULD NOT re export this library. It is only needed by the client itself.


A HeaderCodec encodes the json representation of a Header objects to strings and decodes strings to serialized Header objects.
This class converts strings to serialized Header JSON objects.
This class converts serialized Header JSON objects to strings.


UriExtension on Uri
Helpers extension for Uris.


checkIterable(dynamic input, String parameterName, {int? maxItems, int? minItems, bool uniqueItems = false}) → void
Checks the input against the given Iterable validators.
checkNumber(dynamic input, String parameterName, {num? multipleOf, num? maximum, num? exclusiveMaximum, num? minimum, num? exclusiveMinimum}) → void
Checks the input against the given Number validators.
checkString(dynamic input, String parameterName, {int? maxLength, int? minLength, RegExp? pattern}) → void
Checks the input against the given String validators.
validateAnyOf(List values, List<String> names) → void
Validates that at least one value in the given list is not null.
validateOneOf(List values, List<String> names) → void
Validates that exactly one value in the given list is not null.