dynamik_theme lets you easily set theme mode or custom color. It supports dynamic color on supported platforms and it also persists theme state using storage of your choice.

Pub Star on Github License: MIT

  • Light Mode - based on light color scheme
  • Dark Mode - based on dark color scheme
  • System Mode - automatic light or dark theming based on light/dark color scheme
  • Dynamic Color - uses dynamic_color to automatically get color from device
  • Custom Color - set any color you want


Setup Storage

Implement ThemeStorage for persistence.

class HiveStorage extends ThemeStorage {
  final box = Hive.box<String>(_boxName);
  final key = 'theme';
  Future<void> delete() async {
    await box.clear();

  ThemeState? read() {
    final res = box.get(key);
    if (res == null) return null;
    return ThemeState.fromJson(res);

  Future<void> write(ThemeState state) async {
    await box.put(key, state.toJson());

You can also use SharedPreferences or any database of your choice.

void main() {
  // Initialize hive.
  await Hive.initFlutter();
  await Hive.openBox<String>(_boxName);

  // Set ThemeStorage. If not set InMemoryThemeStorage will be used.
  ThemeConfig.storage = HiveStorage();

  runApp(const MyApp());

Use DynamikTheme

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return DynamikTheme(
      config: ThemeConfig(
        useMaterial3: true,
        // You can also generate color schemes from:
        // https://m3.material.io/theme-builder#/custom
        lightScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(
          seedColor: Colors.red,
        darkScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(
          seedColor: Colors.red,
          brightness: Brightness.dark,
        defaultThemeState: SimpleThemeType.dynamik.themeState,
        builder: (themeData) {
          // Add more customization on ThemeData.
          return themeData.copyWith(
            appBarTheme: const AppBarTheme(centerTitle: true),
            inputDecorationTheme: const InputDecorationTheme(
              border: OutlineInputBorder(),
      builder: (theme, darkTheme, themeMode) {
        return MaterialApp(
          themeMode: themeMode,
          theme: theme,
          darkTheme: darkTheme,
          debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
          home: const Home(),

Update Theme

Update theme with

// Set new theme with provided ThemeState.

// Change ThemeMode. ThemeMode.light or ThemeMode.dark
// or ThemeMode.system.

// Set dynamic theme mode. Automatically sets color from device.
//(not supported on iOS)

// Set custom color.

  runSpacing: 10,
  spacing: 10,
  children: SimpleThemeType.values
      .map((e) => InputChip(
            label: Text(e.name),
            selected: themeState == e.themeState,
            onPressed: () {
              // Update theme.

See example for more.

Set predefined list of ThemeState

You can also use SimpleThemeType which is predefined list of ThemeState. Or create you own list.

enum MyThemeType {
    themeMode: ThemeMode.system,
    colorMode: ColorMode.dynamik,
  light(ThemeState(themeMode: ThemeMode.light)),
  dark(ThemeState(themeMode: ThemeMode.dark));

  const MyThemeType(this.themeState);
  final ThemeState themeState;


Contributions are welcomed!

Here is a curated list of how you can help:

  • Report bugs and scenarios that are difficult to implement
  • Report parts of the documentation that are unclear
  • Fix typos/grammar mistakes
  • Update the documentation / add examples
  • Implement new features by making a pull-request

