dispenseNewDynamicRoutesInstance method
A static DynamicRoutes manager that dispenses a scoped DynamicRoutes singleton bound to the lifeCycle of the StatefulWidget page it is attached to.
DynamicRoutesNavigator dispenseNewDynamicRoutesInstance({
required List<Widget> participatorWidgets,
required Widget initiatorWidget,
}) {
final newDynamicRoutesInstance = DynamicRoutesNavigatorImpl();
// Bind all widgets in the array to this newDynamicRoutesInstance
for (final widget in participatorWidgets) {
_dynamicRoutesInstances[widget.hashCode] == null,
"The participator instance ${widget.hashCode} is already bound to a "
"navigation scope. Participator widgets and cannot be assigned again "
"until the their current navigation scope is disposed.");
_dynamicRoutesInstances[widget.hashCode] = newDynamicRoutesInstance;
_participatorAndInitiatorMap[widget.hashCode] = initiatorWidget;
// Save reference for the disposition of all references to widgets in the
// array from this manager
_initiatorAndParticipatorsMap[initiatorWidget.hashCode] =
return newDynamicRoutesInstance;