pushFor<T> method
List<Future<T?> >
- BuildContext context,
- int numberOfPagesToPush, {
- required Widget currentPage,
You can push multiple pages at once with pushFor.
This method guarantees that you will never push beyond the last Participator page.
// Pushes 4 pages.
dynamicRoutesParticipator.pushFor(context, 4);
// Pushes to the last participator page.
dynamicRoutesParticipator.pushFor(context, dynamicRoutesParticipator..getProgressFromCurrentPage());
// Pushes to the last participator page + invoke [lastPageCallback].
dynamicRoutesParticipator.pushFor(context, dynamicRoutesParticipator..getProgressFromCurrentPage() + 1);
List<Future<T?>> pushFor<T>(BuildContext context, int numberOfPagesToPush,
{required Widget currentPage}) {
_widget != null,
"pushFirst() "
"of the dynamicRoutesInitiator instance should be called before calling "
"this method on a participator");
if (numberOfPagesToPush == 0) return [];
final _currentPage = _getCurrentPageDLLData(currentPage);
final pagesLeft =
// + 1 because all pages length + lastPageCallback.
final pushablePages = pagesLeft + 1;
final loopCount = min(numberOfPagesToPush, pushablePages);
final List<Future<T?>> results = [];
for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) {
results.add(pushNext<T>(context, currentPage: _widget!));
return results;