popFor<T> method
- BuildContext context,
- int numberOfPagesToPop, {
- required Widget currentPage,
- T? popResult,
You can reset the flow, eg. go back to the first Participator page, or the Initiator page with popFor.
popFor guarantees that you will never pop beyond the Initiator page.
// Pop just 2 pages while returning true as the result to those two pages.
dynamicRoutesNavigator.popFor(context, 2, true);
// This pops until the first participator page.
final currentPageIndex = dynamicRoutesNavigator.getCurrentPageIndex();
dynamicRoutesNavigator.popFor(context, currentPageIndex);
// Add + 1 to currentPageIndex or just use double.infinity to pop to the Initiator page.
dynamicRoutesNavigator.popFor(context, currentPageIndex);
dynamicRoutesNavigator.popFor(context, double.infinity);
void popFor<T>(BuildContext context, int numberOfPagesToPop,
{required Widget currentPage, T? popResult}) async {
if (numberOfPagesToPop == 0) return;
_widget != null,
"pushFirst() "
"of the dynamicRoutesInitiator instance should be called before calling "
"this method on a participator");
final _currentPage = _getCurrentPageDLLData(currentPage);
final currentPageIndex =
// + 1 because we allow the first participator page to be popped as well.
final poppablePages = currentPageIndex + 1;
final loopCount = min(numberOfPagesToPop, poppablePages);
for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) {
popCurrent(context, currentPage: _widget!, popResult: popResult);