popCurrent<T> method
Pop the current page and all of its sub-routes.
Prefer this over Navigator.of(context).pop for all participators widget.
void popCurrent<T>(BuildContext context,
{required Widget currentPage, T? popResult}) async {
_widget != null,
"pushFirst() "
"of the dynamicRoutesInitiator instance should be called before calling "
"this method on a participator");
final pageData = _getCurrentPageDLLData(currentPage);
// If the right-side expression is null, then this is the first page and
// popping this should destroy the whole navigation state.
_widget = pageData.previousPage?.widget;
return _navigationLogicProvider.back(BackArguments(
context: context,
currentPage: pageData.widget,
result: popResult,
previousPage: _widget));