loadDynamicLibrary function

DynamicLibrary loadDynamicLibrary({
  1. required String libraryName,
  2. String? searchPath,

Load the dynamic library and throw more verbose exceptions to improve debugging in cases where dynamic libraries exist but lack necessary dependencies

Note: We do not recommend using searchPath in Flutter applications due to the implementation defined nuances in cross-platform development. If you bundle your dynamic libraries in the correct location in your application, then you can find the dynamic library with just DynamicLibrary.open() or loadDynamicLibrary(libraryName: 'my_library')

We recommend using searchPath instead for Dart applications, servers, micro-services, where you have more control over the library locations


DynamicLibrary loadDynamicLibrary({required String libraryName, String? searchPath}) {
  // Get the full library path
  String libraryPath = fullLibraryPath(libraryName, searchPath: searchPath);

  try {
    return DynamicLibrary.open(libraryPath);
  } catch (e) {
    // Try to check to see if the file just doesn't exist at this location
    if (!File(libraryPath).existsSync()) {
      throw LoadDynamicLibraryException('$libraryName cannot be found at the following location\n'
          '\tSearch Path: $searchPath\n'
          '\tDesired Path: $libraryPath\n'
          '\tCurrent Directory: ${p.current}\n'
          '\tResolved Full Path: ${p.absolute(libraryPath)}\n');

    ProcessResult dependencyCheckResult = callOSDependencyCheck(libraryPath);

    throw LoadDynamicLibraryException('$e\n\n'
        'Dependency Check:\n'
        '\tstderr: ${dependencyCheckResult.stderr}\n'
        '\tstdout: ${dependencyCheckResult.stdout}\n');