Flutter library to use GridView inside SingleChildScrollView without fixed height (i.e., using dynamic height based on elements).


How to use GridView inside SingleChildScrollView ?

Sometimes we need to use GridView inside a SingleChildScrollView, for instance when working on an ecommerce app. Now the problem is you can’t create a GridView inside SingleChildScrollView because both will try to take as much space available which here makes height unbounded/infinite.

DynamicGridView provides solution to the problem.

Getting started

TODO: List prerequisites and provide or point to information on how to start using the package.


              width: width,
              horizontalPadding: 16,
              dataSet: items,
              child: (context, index) {return yourGridElement};
— count is the total number of items or itemCount.
— itemsPerRow is the number of items in a row or crossAxisCount.
— ratio is the childAspectRatio attribute of GridView that usually is used to set the size of an item inside the grid. ratio is calculated as width/height.
— horizontalPadding is the horizontal padding given to GridView(in the case of the vertical list)
- child is the element need to return from GridView

Additional information

To file an issue or to give your suggestions please reach out to https://github.com/sehgalrishabh/Dynamic-Grid-View.

