PasswordError constructor

const PasswordError({
  1. String requiredErrorMsg = "Password is required",
  2. String minLengthErrorMsg = "",
  3. String uppercaseErrorMsg = "Password must include at least one uppercase letter ",
  4. String specialCharacterErrorMsg = "Password must include at least one special character",
  5. String digitsErrorMsg = "Password must include at least one digit from 0 to 9",
  6. String? error,


const PasswordError({
  String requiredErrorMsg = "Password is required",
  this.minLengthErrorMsg = "",
  this.uppercaseErrorMsg = "Password must include at least one uppercase letter ",
  this.specialCharacterErrorMsg = "Password must include at least one special character",
  this.digitsErrorMsg = "Password must include at least one digit from 0 to 9",
  String? error,
}) : super(error: error, requiredErrorMsg: requiredErrorMsg);