ScrollerPainterData constructor

const ScrollerPainterData({
  1. ScrollDirection direction = ScrollDirection.right2Left,
  2. ScrollerShape shape = ScrollerShape.circles,
  3. required Color backgroundColor,
  4. required Color color,
  5. double shapeWidth = 24.0,
  6. double spaceBetweenShapes = 24.0,
  7. bool fadeEdges = true,
  8. ScrollerShapeOffset shapeOffset = ScrollerShapeOffset.none,

Creates a new ScrollerPainterData object.

A scroller background is a background that has shapes that move across the screen in a certain direction.


const ScrollerPainterData({
  this.direction = ScrollDirection.right2Left,
  this.shape = ScrollerShape.circles,
  required this.backgroundColor,
  required this.color,
  this.shapeWidth = 24.0,
  this.spaceBetweenShapes = 24.0,
  this.fadeEdges = true,
  this.shapeOffset = ScrollerShapeOffset.none,
})  : assert(shapeWidth > 0.0),
      assert(spaceBetweenShapes >= 0.0);