PrebuiltPainters class

Prebuilt painters for use with the DynamicBg widget.




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

argyle30s ScrollerPainterData
Pale brown argyle pattern scrolling from left to right, giving '30s vibes.
no setter
chocolate ScrollerPainterData
Brown squares scrolling from left to right on a darker brown background.
no setter
diamondRain ScrollerPainterData
Icy blue diamonds raining down from the top of the screen on a pale blue background.
no setter
dynamicDark FaderPainterData
Dark colors subtly fading in and out.
no setter
dynamicLight FaderPainterData
Light colors subtly fading in and out.
no setter
jello ScrollerPainterData
Green circles scrolling from bottom to top on a pale green background, like bubbles in a wiggly plate of jello.
no setter
lemonSunshine ScrollerPainterData
Yellow circles scrolling from left to right on a pale yellow background, like lemons in the sunshine.
no setter
patriotic ScrollerPainterData
Very pale red and white stripes scrolling from right to left, giving the impression of an American flag waving in the wind.
no setter
sprite ScrollerPainterData
Light grey circles scrolling from bottom to top on a pale white background, like bubbles in a glass of Sprite.
no setter
strawberrySlide ScrollerPainterData
Red circles scrolling from right to left on a pale red background, like seeds on a rotating strawberry.
no setter
sunflower ScrollerPainterData
Brown circles scrolling from left to right on a pale yellow background, looking like sunflowers.
no setter
sunRise ScrollerPainterData
A ColorSchemes.gentle sunrise with yellow circles rising from the bottom of the screen on a yellow-orange background.
no setter
sunSet ScrollerPainterData
A ColorSchemes.gentle sunset with orange circles sinking from the top of the screen on a yellow-orange background.
no setter
winterWind FaderPainterData
A ColorSchemes.gentle fade of blue colors, giving the impression of a cold winter wind blowing through the screen.
no setter