Dart Web Developer Service
The Dart Web Developer Service (DWDS) allows developer tools designed to work with the native Dart VM to also work with Dart Web applications compiled with DDC, built / served with webdev, and run in Chrome.
is integrated into webdev serve
as well as flutter run
At a basic level, DWDS proxies between:
- Developer tools that are written against the Dart VM Service Protocol
- Execution environments that expose the Chrome DevTools Protocol
- asset_reader
- dart_web_debug_service
- data/build_result
- data/connect_request
- data/debug_event
- data/debug_info
- data/devtools_request
- data/error_response
- data/extension_request
- data/isolate_events
- data/register_event
- data/run_request
- data/serializers
- dwds
- expression_compiler
- sdk_configuration
- shared/batched_stream