prettyDuration function

String prettyDuration(
  1. Duration duration, {
  2. DurationTersity tersity = DurationTersity.second,
  3. DurationTersity upperTersity = DurationTersity.week,
  4. DurationLocale locale = const EnglishDurationLocale(),
  5. String? spacer,
  6. String? delimiter,
  7. String? conjunction,
  8. bool abbreviated = false,
  9. bool first = false,

Converts duration into legible string with given level of tersity


final dur = Duration(
    days: 5,
    hours: 23,
    minutes: 59,
    seconds: 59,
    milliseconds: 999,
    microseconds: 999);
printDuration(dur); // => 5d 23h 59m 59s 999ms 999us

Use abbreviated to determine if units should be abbreviated or not.


// => 5 days 9 hours
printDuration(aDay * 5 + anHour * 9, abbreviated: false);

Use locale to format according to the desired locale.


// => 5días 9horas
printDuration(aDay * 5 + anHour * 9,
    abbreviated: false, locale: spanishLocale);


String prettyDuration(Duration duration,
    {DurationTersity tersity = DurationTersity.second,
    DurationTersity upperTersity = DurationTersity.week,
    DurationLocale locale = const EnglishDurationLocale(),
    String? spacer,
    String? delimiter,
    String? conjunction,
    bool abbreviated = false,
    bool first = false}) {
  if (abbreviated && delimiter == null) {
    delimiter = ', ';
    spacer = '';
  } else {
    delimiter ??= ' ';
    spacer ??= locale.defaultSpacer;

  var out = <String>[];

  for (final currentTersity in DurationTersity.list) {
    if (currentTersity > upperTersity) {
    } else if (currentTersity < tersity) {
    int value = duration.inUnit(currentTersity);
    if (currentTersity != upperTersity) {
      value %= currentTersity.mod;
    if (value > 0) {
          '$value$spacer${locale.inUnit(currentTersity, value, abbreviated)}');
    } else if (currentTersity == tersity && out.isEmpty) {
      out.add('0$spacer${locale.inUnit(currentTersity, value, abbreviated)}');

  if (out.length == 1 || first == true) {
    return out.first;
  } else {
    if (conjunction == null || out.length == 1) {
      return out.join(delimiter);
    } else {
      return out.sublist(0, out.length - 1).join(delimiter) +
          conjunction +