TrackingProperty.from constructor

  1. required String userId,
  2. required String username,
  3. required String learningLanguage,
  4. required String learningReason,
  5. required String uiLanguage,
  6. required int level,
  7. required int followers,
  8. required int following,
  9. required int lingots,
  10. required int gems,
  11. required int goalXp,
  12. required int streak,
  13. required bool hasFullname,
  14. required bool hasItemStreakFreeze,
  15. required bool hasItemStreakRepair,
  16. required bool hasItemStreakWager,
  17. required bool hasItemWeekendAmulet,
  18. required bool hasItemRupeeWager,
  19. required bool hasItemPremiumSubscription,
  20. required bool hasItemLiveSubscription,
  21. required bool hasItemImmersiveSubscription,
  22. required bool hasPicture,
  23. required bool hasPhoneNumber,
  24. required bool isAgeRestricted,
  25. required bool isTrialAccount,
  26. required int numberStreakFreeze,
  27. required int numberUnlockedSection,
  28. required int numberCompletedSession,
  29. required int numberUnlockedSkill,
  30. required int numberClassroom,
  31. required int numberObservee,
  32. required List<String> achievements,

Returns the new instance of TrackingProperty based on arguments.


  required this.userId,
  required this.username,
  required this.learningLanguage,
  required this.learningReason,
  required this.uiLanguage,
  required this.level,
  required this.followers,
  required this.following,
  required this.lingots,
  required this.gems,
  required this.goalXp,
  required this.streak,
  required this.hasFullname,
  required this.hasItemStreakFreeze,
  required this.hasItemStreakRepair,
  required this.hasItemStreakWager,
  required this.hasItemWeekendAmulet,
  required this.hasItemRupeeWager,
  required this.hasItemPremiumSubscription,
  required this.hasItemLiveSubscription,
  required this.hasItemImmersiveSubscription,
  required this.hasPicture,
  required this.hasPhoneNumber,
  required this.isAgeRestricted,
  required this.isTrialAccount,
  required this.numberStreakFreeze,
  required this.numberUnlockedSection,
  required this.numberCompletedSession,
  required this.numberUnlockedSkill,
  required this.numberClassroom,
  required this.numberObservee,
  required this.achievements,