DictionaryResponse.from constructor

  1. required int statusCode,
  2. required String reasonPhrase,
  3. required Map<String, String> headers,
  4. required String id,
  5. required String word,
  6. required String imageUrl,
  7. required String fromLanguage,
  8. required String learningLanguage,
  9. required String fromLanguageName,
  10. required String learningLanguageName,
  11. required String pos,
  12. required String infinitive,
  13. required String translations,
  14. required String ttsUrl,
  15. required String canonicalUrl,
  16. required List<AlternativeForm> alternativeForms,
  17. required List<Lexeme> relatedLexemes,
  18. required List<Discussion> relatedDiscussions,
  19. required bool isGeneric,
  20. required bool hasTts,

Returns the new instance of DictionaryResponse based on arguments.


  required int statusCode,
  required String reasonPhrase,
  required Map<String, String> headers,
  required this.id,
  required this.word,
  required this.imageUrl,
  required this.fromLanguage,
  required this.learningLanguage,
  required this.fromLanguageName,
  required this.learningLanguageName,
  required this.pos,
  required this.infinitive,
  required this.translations,
  required this.ttsUrl,
  required this.canonicalUrl,
  required this.alternativeForms,
  required this.relatedLexemes,
  required this.relatedDiscussions,
  required this.isGeneric,
  required this.hasTts,
}) : super.from(
        status: Status.from(
          code: statusCode,
          reasonPhrase: reasonPhrase,
        headers: headers,