prettify method

Map<String, List<String>> prettify()

Return this hint table as a simpler structure.

The Map to be returned is set to the word to be translated as the key, and the list of translated words as the value.


Map<String, List<String>> prettify() {
  final prettified = <String, List<String>>{};

  for (final token in tokens) {
    for (final row in token.table.rows) {
      final cells = row.cells;
      for (final cell in cells) {
        final colspan = cell.span;
        final key = colspan > 0
            ? _fetchWordString(token: token).substring(0, colspan)
            : token.value;

        if (prettified.containsKey(key)) {
          final hintsInternal = prettified[key]!;
          final hint = cell.hint;

          if (!hintsInternal.contains(hint)) {
        } else {
          prettified[key] = [cell.hint];

  return prettified;