Vocabulary.from constructor

  1. required String id,
  2. required String word,
  3. required String normalizedWord,
  4. required int strengthBars,
  5. required double proficiency,
  6. required String infinitive,
  7. required String skill,
  8. required String skillUrlTitle,
  9. required String pos,
  10. required String gender,
  11. required String lexemeId,
  12. required List<String> relatedLexemes,
  13. required String lastPracticed,
  14. required int lastPracticedMs,

Returns the new instance of Vocabulary based on arguments.


  required this.id,
  required this.word,
  required this.normalizedWord,
  required this.strengthBars,
  required this.proficiency,
  required this.infinitive,
  required this.skill,
  required this.skillUrlTitle,
  required this.pos,
  required this.gender,
  required this.lexemeId,
  required this.relatedLexemes,
  required this.lastPracticed,
  required this.lastPracticedMs,