ForumCommentResponse.from constructor

  1. required int statusCode,
  2. required String reasonPhrase,
  3. required Map<String, String> headers,
  4. required int id,
  5. required String title,
  6. required String category,
  7. required String message,
  8. required String markdownMessage,
  9. required String translationId,
  10. required String translation,
  11. required String translationLanguage,
  12. required String ttsUrl,
  13. required String canonicalUrl,
  14. required int likes,
  15. required int votes,
  16. required List<Comment> comments,
  17. required List<Topic> parentsTopics,
  18. required Topic rootTopic,
  19. required Topic topic,
  20. required List<DictionaryPath> dictionaryPaths,
  21. required User user,
  22. required bool isUserUpvoted,
  23. required bool isUserDownvoted,
  24. required bool isAdmin,
  25. required bool deleted,

Returns the new instance of ForumCommentResponse based on arguments.


  required int statusCode,
  required String reasonPhrase,
  required Map<String, String> headers,
  required this.title,
  required this.category,
  required this.message,
  required this.markdownMessage,
  required this.translationId,
  required this.translation,
  required this.translationLanguage,
  required this.ttsUrl,
  required this.canonicalUrl,
  required this.likes,
  required this.votes,
  required this.comments,
  required this.parentsTopics,
  required this.rootTopic,
  required this.topic,
  required this.dictionaryPaths,
  required this.user,
  required this.isUserUpvoted,
  required this.isUserDownvoted,
  required this.isAdmin,
  required this.deleted,
}) : super.from(
        status: Status.from(
          code: statusCode,
          reasonPhrase: reasonPhrase,
        headers: headers,