A package for working with repeating DateTime
Ever wanted to create a new DateTime
with, let's say, the same day in month? But the day is 31 and next month only has 30, so you go to 30 and the next day is lost because then you have no variable to save the original's month day? With DueDateTime
this managing is done for you without any headaches.
Or maybe you have to check if some DateTime
is inside a certain period of time and always have to manually get, let's say, the start and end of the week and process it yourself. Now you can use PeriodGenerator
s and Period
methods to work it out for you.
Examples of what this package can do:
final date = DateTime(2022, DateTime.january, 31);
DueDateTime dueDate = DueDateTime.fromDate(date);
dueDate = dueDate.addMonths(1); // February 28th, 2022
dueDate = dueDate.addMonths(1); // March 31th, 2022
final period1 = Period(
start: DateTime(2022, DateTime.january, 1),
end: DateTime(2022, DateTime.january, 5),
final period2 = Period(
start: DateTime(2022, DateTime.january, 3),
end: DateTime(2022, DateTime.january, 7),
if (period1.overlapsWith(period2)) {
print('The two periods overlap.');
} else {
print('The two periods do not overlap.');
final hourGenerator = HourGenerator();
final secondGenerator = SecondGenerator();
final now = DateTime.now();
final currentHour = hourGenerator.of(now);
final currentSecond = secondGenerator.of(now);
print('The current hour is $currentHour.');
print('The current second is $currentSecond.');
final nextHour = currentHour.getNext(hourGenerator);
final nextSecond = currentSecond.getNext(secondGenerator);
print('The next hour is $nextHour.');
print('The next second is $nextSecond.');
final previousHour = currentHour.getPrevious(hourGenerator);
final previousSecond = currentSecond.getPrevious(secondGenerator);
print('The previous hour is $previousHour.');
print('The previous second is $previousSecond.');
Getting started
On your pubspec.yaml
file, add this package to your dependencies:
due_date: ^2.2.2
Import one of the, or both, package libraries on your code:
import 'package:due_date/due_date.dart';
import 'package:due_date/period.dart';
Longer examples at /example
final date = DateTime(2022, DateTime.january, 31);
DueDateTime dueDate = date.dueDateTime; // 2022-01-31
dueDate = dueDate.next; // 2022-02-28
dueDate = dueDate.next; // 2022-03-31
Additional information
See the API docs here.
Find more information at github.com/FMorschel/due_date.
Contribute to the package by creating a PR at github.com/FMorschel/due_date/pulls.
File issues at github.com/FMorschel/due_date/issues.
Discuss related topics at github.com/FMorschel/due_date/discussions.
- Made me start thinking about this package and how I could improve it with issues and discussions on the GitHub repo.
- Inspired me to create the
class and its methods. As well as someEvery
- Inspired me to create the
What makes this different
This package is focused on working with DateTime
objects and their patterns. It is not a calendar package, but it can be used to create one.
It is also not a package to work with timezones. It is focused on the DateTime
object itself. It does not have any timezone related methods. For that, you may want to check out the timezone package.
This is not a package to work with Duration
objects. It is focused on DateTime
objects and their patterns. For that, you may want to check out the time package.
This package is not a package to work with DateTime
objects and their formatting. It is focused on DateTime
objects and their patterns. For that, you may want to check out the intl package.
This package is not intended to be a replacement for the DateTime
class. It is intended to be a complement to it.
The time package is a great package to work with Duration
and DateTime
objects. It uses extension methods to add functionality to the DateTime
class. This package is not intended to be a replacement for the time
package. It is intended to be a complement to it.
This package is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.