ducafe_ui_core Documentation
ducafe_ui_core is a Flutter UI core library that provides many useful extension methods and utility classes to simplify UI development in Flutter applications.
- https://pub.dev/packages/ducafe_ui_core
- https://github.com/ducafecat/flutter_package_ducafe_ui_core
- https://ducafecat.com
Main Features
- Screen adaptation tools (ScreenUtil)
- Widget extension methods
- Context extension methods
- String extension methods
- List extension methods
- Theme access extension methods
- Platform detection extension methods
- UI utility classes
Add this dependency to your pubspec.yaml
ducafe_ui_core: ^1.0.1
Then run the flutter pub get
Usage Examples
Screen Adaptation
Initialize ScreenUtil at the root of your application:
import 'package:ducafe_ui_core/ducafe_ui_core.dart';
void main() {
designSize: const Size(360, 690),
builder: (context, child) {
return MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
title: 'Flutter Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
home: child,
child: const HomePage(),
Widget Extensions
// Create a centered text widget
final centeredText = Text('Hello, World!').center();
// Create a card with padding and shadow
final styledCard = Text('Card Content')
.padding(all: 16)
.card(elevation: 4)
.boxShadow(blurRadius: 10);
// Create a clickable button
final clickableButton = Text('Click me')
.padding(all: 8)
.inkWell(onTap: () => print('Button clicked!'));
// Create a scaled widget with animation
final animatedWidget = Icon(Icons.star)
.scale(all: 1.5)
.animate(Duration(milliseconds: 300), Curves.easeInOut);
- animate: Add animation effects to widgets
- align: Set widget alignment
- alignCenter: Center align widget
- alignLeft: Left align widget
- alignRight: Right align widget
- alignTop: Top align widget
- alignBottom: Bottom align widget
- parent: Apply parent widget
- padding: Add padding to widget
- paddingBottom: Add bottom padding
- paddingHorizontal: Add horizontal padding
- paddingLeft: Add left padding
- paddingRight: Add right padding
- paddingTop: Add top padding
- paddingVertical: Add vertical padding
- paddingDirectional: Add directional padding
- sliverPadding: Add padding to Sliver widgets
- opacity: Set widget opacity
- offstage: Control widget visibility
- neumorphism: Add neumorphic effect
- boxShadow: Add shadow effect
- ripple: Add ripple effect
- rotate: Rotate widget
- scale: Scale widget
- translate: Translate widget
- transform: Apply transformation
- overflow: Control widget overflow behavior
- scrollable: Make widget scrollable
- expanded: Expand widget in Flex container
- flexible: Make widget flexible in Flex container
- positioned: Position widget in Stack
- positionedDirectional: Directionally position widget in Stack
- inkWell: Add ink effect and tap events
- safeArea: Place widget in safe area
- semanticsLabel: Add semantic label
- gestures: Add gesture recognition
- center: Center widget
- fittedBox: Fit widget to parent
- fractionallySizedBox: Size widget based on parent fraction
- card: Wrap widget in card
- limitedBox: Limit widget maximum size
- material: Wrap widget in Material
- mouseRegion: Add mouse interaction area
Color Extensions
: Primary colorprimaryLight
: Light version of primary colorprimaryDark
: Dark version of primary colorcanvas
: Canvas colorscaffoldBackground
: Scaffold background colorcard
: Card colordivider
: Divider colorfocus
: Focus colorhover
: Hover colorhighlight
: Highlight colorsplash
: Splash colorunselectedWidget
: Unselected widget colordisabled
: Disabled state colorsecondaryHeader
: Secondary header colordialogBackground
: Dialog background colorindicator
: Indicator colorhint
: Hint text colorscheme
: Complete color schemeshadow
: Shadow color
Screen Size Information
: Get screen widthscreenHeight
: Get screen heightbottomBarHeight
: Get bottom navigation bar heightstatusBarHeight
: Get status bar heighttextScaleFactor
: Get text scale factorscaleWidth
: Get width scale factorscaleHeight
: Get height scale factor
Duration Extensions
// Create a 5-second Duration
Duration fiveSeconds = 5.seconds;
- microseconds: Convert number to Duration in microseconds
- milliseconds: Convert number to Duration in milliseconds
- seconds: Convert number to Duration in seconds
- minutes: Convert number to Duration in minutes
- hours: Convert number to Duration in hours
- days: Convert number to Duration in days
- months: Convert number to Duration in months (assumes 30 days per month)
- quarters: Convert number to Duration in quarters (assumes 90 days per quarter)
- quadrimesters: Convert number to Duration in quadrimesters (assumes 120 days)
- years: Convert number to Duration in years (assumes 365 days per year)
- future: Start a delayed Future
Icon Extensions
// Create an original icon
Icon originalIcon = Icon(Icons.star, size: 24, color: Colors.yellow);
// Create a new icon with modified size and color using copyWith()
Icon newIcon = originalIcon.copyWith(size: 32, color: Colors.red);
// Modify only the icon size
Icon largerIcon = originalIcon.iconSize(48);
// Modify only the icon color
Icon blueIcon = originalIcon.iconColor(Colors.blue);
List<Widget> widgets = [Widget1(), Widget2(), Widget3()];
Widget column = widgets.toColumn(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
separator: Divider(),
- toColumn(): Convert Widget list to Column
- toColumnSpace(): Convert Widget list to Column with spacing
- toRow(): Convert Widget list to Row
- toRowSpace(): Convert Widget list to Row with spacing
- toStack(): Convert Widget list to Stack
- toListView(): Convert Widget list to ListView
- toWrap(): Convert Widget list to Wrap
MediaQuery Extensions
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// Get screen width
double screenWidth = context.sizes.width;
// Get screen height
double screenHeight = context.sizes.height;
// Get screen padding
EdgeInsets padding = context.sizes.padding;
// Get device pixel ratio
double pixelRatio = context.sizes.devicePixelRatio;
// Use nullable properties
double? maybeWidth = context.sizes.maybeWidth;
return Container(
width: screenWidth * 0.8,
height: screenHeight * 0.5,
padding: padding,
child: Text(
'Device Pixel Ratio: $pixelRatio',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16 * context.sizes.textScaler.scale(1.0)),
- width: Screen width
- height: Screen height
- padding: Screen padding
- viewInsets: View insets
- systemGestureInsets: System gesture insets
- viewPadding: View padding
- devicePixelRatio: Device pixel ratio
- textScaler: Text scaler
Navigator Extensions
- canPop: Check if current route can be popped
- maybePop: Try to pop current route
- pop: Pop current route
- popUntil: Pop routes until condition is met
- push: Push new route
- pushMaterial: Push new page using MaterialPageRoute
- pushCupertino: Push new page using CupertinoPageRoute
- popAndPushNamed: Pop current route and push named route
- pushAndRemoveUntil: Push new route and remove until condition is met
- pushNamed: Push named route
- pushNamedAndRemoveUntil: Push named route and remove until condition is met
- pushReplacement: Push new route and replace current route
- pushReplacementMaterial: Push new page using MaterialPageRoute and replace current route
- pushReplacementCupertino: Push new page using CupertinoPageRoute and replace current route
- pushReplacementNamed: Push named route and replace current route
- removeRoute: Remove specified route
- removeRouteBelow: Remove route below specified route
- replace: Replace specified route
- replaceRouteBelow: Replace route below specified route
Number to EdgeInsets Extensions
// Create padding with all sides set to 16
EdgeInsets padding1 = 16.paddingAll();
// Create horizontal padding of 20
EdgeInsets padding2 = 20.paddingHorizontal();
// Create vertical padding of 10
EdgeInsets padding3 = 10.paddingVertical();
// Create padding with only top set to 8
EdgeInsets padding4 = 8.paddingTop();
// Create padding with only left set to 12
EdgeInsets padding5 = 12.paddingLeft();
// Create padding with only right set to 15
EdgeInsets padding6 = 15.paddingRight();
// Create padding with only bottom set to 5
EdgeInsets padding7 = 5.paddingBottom();
- paddingAll: Create padding with equal offset on all sides
- paddingHorizontal: Create symmetric horizontal padding
- paddingVertical: Create symmetric vertical padding
- paddingTop: Create padding with only top offset
- paddingLeft: Create padding with only left offset
- paddingRight: Create padding with only right offset
- paddingBottom: Create padding with only bottom offset
String Extensions
// Case conversion
print('hello world'.capitalize()); // Output: Hello World
print('hello world'.capitalizeFirst()); // Output: Hello world
// Boolean conversion
print('true'.isBool()); // Output: true
print('false'.toBool()); // Output: false
// Number conversion
print('123'.isNum()); // Output: true
print('3.14'.toDouble()); // Output: 3.14
print('42'.toInt()); // Output: 42
// Color conversion
Color color = 'FF5733'.toColor;
MaterialColor materialColor = 'FF5733'.toMaterialColor;
// String processing
print('Hello World'.removeAllWhitespace()); // Output: HelloWorld
print('abc123'.hasMatch(r'\d+')); // Output: true
print('<p>Hello</p>'.clearHtml); // Output: Hello
- capitalize: Capitalize first letter of each word
- capitalizeFirst: Capitalize first letter of string
- isBool: Check if string can be converted to boolean
- toBool: Convert string to boolean
- isNum: Check if string can be converted to number
- toNum: Convert string to number
- isDouble: Check if string can be converted to double
- toDouble: Convert string to double
- isInt: Check if string can be converted to integer
- toInt: Convert string to integer
- toColor: Convert hex color string to Color object
- toMaterialColor: Convert hex color string to MaterialColor object
- removeAllWhitespace: Remove all whitespace from string
- hasMatch: Check if string matches specified regex pattern
- clearHtml: Remove all HTML tags from string
Text Extensions
Text myText = Text('Hello, World!');
// Modify text style
myText = myText.textStyle(TextStyle(color: Colors.blue));
// Set text to bold
myText = myText.bold();
// Set text to italic
myText = myText.italic();
// Set font size
myText = myText.fontSize(18);
// Set font family
myText = myText.fontFamily('Roboto');
// Add text shadow
myText = myText.textShadow(color: Colors.grey, blurRadius: 2);
// Set text color
myText = myText.textColor(Colors.red);
// Set text alignment
myText = myText.textAlignment(TextAlign.center);
// Combine multiple styles
myText = myText
- copyWith: Create a new Text object with optionally modified properties
- textStyle: Apply new TextStyle
- textScale: Set text scale factor
- bold: Set text to bold
- italic: Set text to italic
- fontWeight: Set text font weight
- fontSize: Set text font size
- fontFamily: Set text font family
- letterSpacing: Set text letter spacing
- wordSpacing: Set text word spacing
- textShadow: Add shadow effect to text
- textElevation: Add elevation effect to text
- textColor: Set text color
- textAlignment: Set text alignment
- textDirection: Set text direction
- textBaseline: Set text baseline
- textWidthBasis: Set text width basis
TextSpan Extensions
TextSpan myTextSpan = TextSpan(text: 'Hello, World!');
// Modify text style
myTextSpan = myTextSpan.textStyle(TextStyle(color: Colors.blue));
// Set text to bold
myTextSpan = myTextSpan.bold();
// Set text to italic
myTextSpan = myTextSpan.italic();
// Set font size
myTextSpan = myTextSpan.fontSize(18);
// Set font family
myTextSpan = myTextSpan.fontFamily('Roboto');
// Add text shadow
myTextSpan = myTextSpan.textShadow(color: Colors.grey, blurRadius: 2);
// Set text color
myTextSpan = myTextSpan.textColor(Colors.red);
// Combine multiple styles
myTextSpan = myTextSpan
- copyWith: Create a new TextSpan object with optionally modified properties
- textStyle: Apply new TextStyle
- bold: Set text to bold
- italic: Set text to italic
- fontWeight: Set text font weight
- fontSize: Set text font size
- fontFamily: Set text font family
- letterSpacing: Set text letter spacing
- wordSpacing: Set text word spacing
- textShadow: Add shadow effect to text
- textElevation: Add elevation effect to text
- textColor: Set text color
- textBaseline: Set text baseline
Theme Extensions
// Using in a Widget
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// Get button theme
final buttonTheme = context.themes.button;
// Get text theme
final textTheme = context.themes.text;
// Get icon theme
final iconTheme = context.themes.icon;
// ... use other theme data
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
if (context.isDarkMode) {
// App is in dark mode
return DarkThemeWidget();
} else if (context.isLightMode) {
// App is in light mode
return LightThemeWidget();
// Other cases
return DefaultThemeWidget();
- themes: Get _Themes object containing all theme data
- isDarkMode: Check if app is in dark mode
- isLightMode: Check if app is in light mode
Development Tools
Object.log("Log content")
: Print log message
This documentation summarizes the main features and usage of the ducafe_ui_core library. You can extend or modify this documentation as needed. If you need more detailed explanations or have any questions, please feel free to ask.