DtlsClientContext constructor

  1. bool verify = true,
  2. bool withTrustedRoots = false,
  3. List<Uint8List> rootCertificates = const [],
  4. String? ciphers,
  5. PskCredentialsCallback? pskCredentialsCallback,

verify enables certificate verification (recommended).

To allow the verification to succeed, system certificates have to be imported using withTrustedRoots, or custom root certificates in DER format need to be imported with rootCertificates. System certificates are available only when OpenSSL is installed by the system.

ciphers controls the cipher suites offered to the server.


  bool verify = true,
  bool withTrustedRoots = false,
  List<Uint8List> rootCertificates = const [],
  String? ciphers,
  PskCredentialsCallback? pskCredentialsCallback,
})  : _pskCredentialsCallback = pskCredentialsCallback,
      _withTrustedRoots = withTrustedRoots,
      _verify = verify,
      _rootCertificates = rootCertificates,
      _ciphers = ciphers;