putErrorEnvironmentValue static method

Future<void> putErrorEnvironmentValue(
  1. String key,
  2. String? value

Adds a key-value pair to or deletes it from the application error environment. The environment is shown in the crash and error report.

  • The maximum length of the key key is 50 characters. If the length is exceeded, the key is truncated to 50 characters.
  • The maximum length of the value value is 4000 characters. If the length is exceeded, the value is truncated to 4000 characters.
  • A maximum of 30 environment pairs of the form {key, value} are allowed. If you try to add the 31st pair, it will be ignored.
  • Total size (sum {len(key) + len(value)} for (key, value) in error_environment) - 4500 characters.
  • If a new pair exceeds the total size, it will be ignored.


static Future<void> putErrorEnvironmentValue(String key, String? value) async {
  if (kIsWeb || !Platform.isAndroid && !Platform.isIOS) return;
  await m.AppMetrica.putErrorEnvironmentValue(key, value);