load method

Future<void> load(
  1. DropdownItemLoader<T> loader, {
  2. bool replace = false,
  3. bool onException(
    1. Object

Load the items from the given loader, and set the items to the dropdown menu. The loaded items would replace the current items if replace is true; otherwise, the loaded items would be merged with the current items. if onException is provided, it would be called when an exception is thrown during the loading.


Future<void> load(
  DropdownItemLoader<T> loader, {
  bool replace = false,
  bool Function(Object)? onException,
}) async {

  bool shouldMarkAsLoaded = true;

  try {
    final items = await loader();
    setItems(items, replace: replace, rebuild: false);
  } catch (e) {
    shouldMarkAsLoaded = onException?.call(e) ?? true;
  } finally {
    if (shouldMarkAsLoaded) {