An easy to use Drop Down With Search Functionality with full control and Customizable .


Show the DropDown Widget with Search Functionality.
Github Example Link

Getting started

Import the package and then use the FlutterDropDownSearch widget and pass necessary requirement List


to /example folder.

import 'package:drop_down_easy_search/drop_down_easy_search.dart';
List<String> items=["Farooq","Administrator","Sir Shehzad","Sarmad","Asad"];
TextEditingController testEditingController = TextEditingController();
textFieldBorder: InputBorder.none,
hintText: "Choose Employee",
textController: testEditingController,
items: items,
dropdownHeight: 200,
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.grey,fontWeight: FontWeight.w600)


Additional information

You can find example in my github repository For More Info You can contact me Portfolio