createFile method

Future<String> createFile(
  1. String fileName,
  2. String mime, {
  3. List<String>? parents,
  4. String text = "",

Create a new file with fileName, and a mime type that is from FileMIMETypes or a custom string

Optionally, specify the ID(s) of the parents folder(s).

You can provide some text to initialise the file with (e.g. header data or boilerplate)

Returns the ID of the file created, store this to refer to this file in the future.


Future<String> createFile(
  String fileName,
  String mime, {
  List<String>? parents,
  String text = "",
}) async {
  return (await driveAPI.files.create(
      name: fileName,
      mimeType: mime,
      parents: parents,
    uploadMedia: Media(