queryDeleted<T, R> function

Future<R> queryDeleted<T, R>(
  1. T db,
  2. DelegateCallback<R> callback

Allows access to the deleted records using the Drift API db the database executor to query callback the callback to execute, works with transactions too.


Future<R> queryDeleted<T, R>(T db, DelegateCallback<R> callback) async {
  if (db is QueryExecutor) {
    if (db is CrdtQueryExecutor) {
      await db.runCustom(_crdtDeletedOn);
      final result = await callback();
      await db.runCustom(_crdtDeletedOff);
      return result;
    } else {
      // queryDeleted is a noop for non CrdtQueryExecutor
      return await callback();
  } else {
    throw "Database executor is null";