WasmDatabase class

An experimental, WebAssembly based implementation of a drift sqlite3 database.

Using this database requires adding a WebAssembly file for sqlite3 to your app. The documentation describes how to obtain this file. A working example is also available in the drift repository.

Available extensions


WasmDatabase({required CommonSqlite3 sqlite3, required String path, WasmDatabaseSetup? setup, IndexedDbFileSystem? fileSystem, bool logStatements = false, bool enableMigrations = true, bool cachePreparedStatements = true})
Creates a wasm database at path in the virtual file system of the sqlite3 module. If fileSystem provided, the data is guaranteed to be stored in the IndexedDB when the request is complete. Attention! Insert/update queries may be slower when this option enabled. If you want to insert more than one rows, be sure you run in a transaction if possible.
WasmDatabase.inMemory(CommonSqlite3 sqlite3, {WasmDatabaseSetup? setup, bool logStatements = false, bool cachePreparedStatements = true})
Creates an in-memory database in the loaded sqlite3 database.


delegate DatabaseDelegate
The DatabaseDelegate to send queries to.
dialect SqlDialect
The SqlDialect to use for this database engine.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
impl QueryDelegate
no setterinherited
isSequential bool
logStatements bool
getter/setter pairinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


beginExclusive() QueryExecutor
Returns a new QueryExecutor that, when first opened, takes an exclusive lock over this executor and prevents queries from running until it is closed.
beginTransaction() TransactionExecutor
Starts a TransactionExecutor.
beginTransactionInContext(_BaseExecutor context) TransactionExecutor
close() Future<void>
Closes this database connection and releases all resources associated with it. Implementations should also handle close calls in a state where the database isn't open.
ensureOpen(QueryExecutorUser user) Future<bool>
Opens the executor, if it has not yet been opened.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
runBatched(BatchedStatements statements) Future<void>
Prepares and runs statements.
runCustom(String statement, [List<Object?>? args]) Future<void>
Runs a custom SQL statement without any variables. The result of that statement will be ignored.
runDelete(String statement, List<Object?> args) Future<int>
Runs an delete statement and returns how many rows where affected.
runInsert(String statement, List<Object?> args) Future<int>
Runs an insert statement with the given variables. Returns the row id or the auto_increment id of the inserted row.
runSelect(String statement, List<Object?> args) Future<List<Map<String, Object?>>>
Runs a select statement with the given variables and returns the raw results.
runUpdate(String statement, List<Object?> args) Future<int>
Runs an update statement with the given variables and returns how many rows where affected.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

open({required String databaseName, required Uri sqlite3Uri, required Uri driftWorkerUri, FutureOr<Uint8List?> initializeDatabase()?, WasmDatabaseSetup? localSetup, bool enableMigrations = true}) Future<WasmDatabaseResult>
Opens a database on the web.
probe({required Uri sqlite3Uri, required Uri driftWorkerUri, String? databaseName}) Future<WasmProbeResult>
Probes for:
workerMainForOpen({WasmDatabaseSetup? setupAllDatabases}) → void
The entrypoint for a web worker suitable for use with open.