
Handsfree_Sketching A package for handsfree sketching with gesturedetector using custompaint widget

Getting Started

This package enables you to draw in a blank page with your own hands-free with following features: Able to change the pen color for each and every gesture moments. Able to change the strokewidth of the sketch pen Option to set opacity for the drawing

Platform Support

Step 1: import 'package:drawing_page/screen.dart' Step 2: After finishing your drawing page declare the screen class as final gesture=Screens(); declare the essential need of selected color,strokecap,opacity and strokewidth. Step 3 After that setup the drawing path on the gesuture detector movements on panupdate,panstart and panend.

        onPanUpdate: (details){
            setState(() {
              points=gesture.PanUpdate(context, details,selectedColor,3.0,opacity);  
       onPanStart: (details){
        setState(() {
          points=gesture.PanStart(context, details,selectedColor,3.0,opacity);
       onPanEnd: (details){
        setState(() {
          points=gesture.PanEnd(context, details);