comment method

CommentRef comment({
  1. String? id,
  2. dynamic url,

Creates a lazily initialized CommentRef.

id is the fullname ID of the comment without the ID prefix (i.e., t1_).

url is the URL to the comment.

Only one of id and url can be provided.


CommentRef comment({String? id, /* Uri, String */ url}) {
  if ((id != null) && (url != null)) {
    throw DRAWArgumentError('One of either id or url can be provided');
  } else if ((id == null) && (url == null)) {
    throw DRAWArgumentError('id and url cannot both be null');
  } else if (id != null) {
    return CommentRef.withID(this, id);
  return CommentRef.withPath(this, (url is Uri) ? url.toString() : url);