objectify method

dynamic objectify(
  1. dynamic data

Converts a response from the Reddit API into an instance of RedditBase or a container of RedditBase objects.

data should be one of List or Map, and the return type is one of RedditBase, List<RedditBase>, or Map<RedditBase> depending on the response type.


dynamic objectify(dynamic data) {
  //logger.log(Level.FINE, 'objectifying');
  if (data == null) {
    return null;
  if (data is List) {
    return _objectifyList(data);
  } else if (data is! Map) {
    throw DRAWInternalError('data must be of type List or Map, got '
  } else if (data.containsKey('kind')) {
    final kind = data['kind'];
    if (kind == 'Listing') {
      //logger.log(Level.FINE, 'parsing Listing');
      final listing = data['data']['children'];
      final before = data['data']['before'];
      final after = data['data']['after'];
      final objectifiedListing = _objectifyList(listing);
      final result = {
        'listing': objectifiedListing,
        'before': before,
        'after': after
      return result;
    } else if (kind == 'UserList') {
      //logger.log(Level.FINE, 'parsing UserList');
      final listing = data['data']['children'];
      return _objectifyList(listing);
    } else if (kind == 'KarmaList') {
      //logger.log(Level.FINE, 'parsing KarmaList');
      final listing = _objectifyList(data['data']);
      final karmaMap = <Subreddit, Map<String, int>>{};
      listing.forEach((map) {
      return karmaMap;
    } else if (kind == 't2') {
      // Account information about a redditor who isn't the currently
      // authenticated user.
      //logger.log(Level.INFO, 'account information for non-current user');
      return data['data'];
    } else if (kind == 'more') {
      //logger.log(Level.INFO, 'parsing MoreComments');
      //logger.log(Level.INFO, 'Data: ${DRAWLoggingUtils.jsonify(data["data"])}');
      return MoreComments.parse(reddit, data['data']);
    } else if (kind == 't6') {
      return Trophy.parse(reddit, data['data']);
    } else {
      //logger.log(Level.INFO, 't2 but not more comments or Redditor');
      return _objectifyDictionary(data);
  } else if (data.containsKey('json')) {
    if (data['json'].containsKey('data')) {
      // Response from Subreddit.submit.
      //logger.log(Level.FINE, 'Subreddit.submit response');
      if (data['json']['data'].containsKey('url')) {
        return Submission.parse(reddit, data['json']['data']);
      } else if (data['json']['data'].containsKey('things')) {
        return _objectifyList(data['json']['data']['things']);
      } else {
        throw DRAWInternalError('Invalid json response: $data');
    } else if (data['json'].containsKey('errors')) {
      const kSubredditNoExist = 'SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST';
      const kUserDoesntExist = 'USER_DOESNT_EXIST';

      final errors = data['json']['errors'];
      //logger.log(Level.SEVERE, 'Error response: $errors');
      if (errors is List && errors.isNotEmpty) {
        final error = errors[0][0];
        final field = errors[0].last;
        switch (error) {
          case kSubredditNoExist:
            throw DRAWInvalidSubredditException(field);
          case kUserDoesntExist:
            throw DRAWInvalidRedditorException(field);
            // TODO(bkonyi): make an actual exception for this.
            throw DRAWUnimplementedError('Error response: $errors');
      return null;
    } else {
      throw DRAWInternalError('Invalid json response: $data');
  return _objectifyDictionary(data);