conversations method

Stream<ModmailConversation> conversations({
  1. String? after,
  2. int? limit,
  3. List<SubredditRef>? otherSubreddits,
  4. ModmailSort sort = ModmailSort.recent,
  5. ModmailState state = ModmailState.all,

A Stream of ModmailConversation instances for the specified subreddits.

after: A base36 modmail conversation id. When provided, the limiting begins after this conversation. limit: The maximum number of conversations to fetch. If not provided, the server-side default is 25 at the time of writing. otherSubreddits: A list of other subreddits for which conversations should be fetched. sort: Determines the order that the conversations will be sorted. state:


Stream<ModmailConversation> conversations(
    {String? after,
    int? limit,
    List<SubredditRef>? otherSubreddits,
    ModmailSort sort = ModmailSort.recent,
    ModmailState state = ModmailState.all}) async* {
  final params = <String, String>{};
  if (_subreddit.displayName != 'all') {
    params['entity'] = _buildSubredditList(otherSubreddits);

  if (after != null) {
    params['after'] = after;

  if (limit != null) {
    params['limit'] = limit.toString();

  params['sort'] = modmailSortToString(sort);

  params['state'] = modmailStateToString(state);

  final response = (await _subreddit.reddit
          .get(apiPath['modmail_conversations'], params: params))
      as Map<String, dynamic>;
  final ids = (response['conversationIds'] as List).cast<String>();
  for (final id in ids) {
    final data = {
      'conversation': response['conversations'][id],
      'messages': response['messages']
    yield ModmailConversation.parse(_subreddit.reddit, data,
        convertObjects: true);