what is DPro?
DPro is a auto programing langrage transfrom tool.
How to use it?
// choose the programing langrage
TranEngine.tip = LanguageTips.java;
codes: cli.sampleFor(),
// prepare logic Objects
CodeLines sampleFor() {
return OCodeLines(objects: [
type: DTypes.dStr,
list: OList(
valueType: DTypes.dStr,
values: [OString("a"), OString("b"), OString("c"), OString("d")]),
lines: OCodeLines(objects: [
// output java code:
for (String e : new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d"))) {
how would we create the engine from zero
- lines
- types
- def
- def give
- give
- const value
- const list
- const map
- list.get
- map.get
- var
- ouput(print)
- calculate
- if
- else
- fori
- fori_simply
- fore
- while
- func
- class
- extend
- export to json and import with json
- let it can run code objects!
- modules!
- UI designer!
Future Support Languages:
- Object Oriented
- Type Script
- Java
- Python
- Swift
- Dart
- C#
- GoLang
- Only Runable
- C
- machine language
- Functional
- Haskell
- OCaml
- F#
- core/alert/dalert
- core/alert/error/deception
- core/alert/error/empty_child_exception
- core/alert/error/set_action_as_value_exception
- core/alert/error/this_is_not_expression
- core/alert/problem/dproblem
- core/alert/transform/can_not_run
- core/alert/transform/do_no_support
- core/alert/transform/dtransform_alert
- core/alert/transform/no_problem
- core/alert/type_alert/type_error
- core/alert/type_alert/type_maybe_auto_change
- core/alert/warning/dwarning
- core/code_lines
- core/d_runable
- core/dstatement
- core/func/branch/function/dcall
- core/func/branch/function/dfunc
- core/func/branch/function/dpara
- core/func/branch/function/dparams
- core/func/branch/function/dreturn
- core/func/branch/if/delse_if
- core/func/branch/if/dif
- core/func/branch/loop/dfor_e
- core/func/branch/loop/dfor_i
- core/func/branch/loop/dwhile
- core/func/class/dclass
- core/func/class/dfield
- core/func/class/dnew
- core/func/class/method/dargument
- core/func/class/method/dmethod
- core/func/daction
- core/func/give/d_def_variable
- core/func/give/dgive
- core/func/output/dprint
- core/func/tools/string_tool/dstr_search
- core/func/tools/string_tool/dstr_to_num
- core/func/value/constant/dbool
- core/func/value/constant/dconstant
- core/func/value/constant/dfloat
- core/func/value/constant/dint
- core/func/value/constant/dstring
- core/func/value/dexpression
- core/func/value/iterator/d_get_element
- core/func/value/iterator/dlenght
- core/func/value/iterator/dlist
- core/func/value/iterator/dmap
- core/func/value/iterator/dreplace
- core/func/value/operator/comparison_operator/dbigger
- core/func/value/operator/comparison_operator/dbigger_eq
- core/func/value/operator/comparison_operator/dequal
- core/func/value/operator/comparison_operator/dsmaller
- core/func/value/operator/comparison_operator/dsmaller_eq
- core/func/value/operator/comparison_operator/dunequal
- core/func/value/operator/logical_operator/dand
- core/func/value/operator/logical_operator/dor
- core/func/value/operator/num_operator/ddivide
- core/func/value/operator/num_operator/dminus
- core/func/value/operator/num_operator/dplus
- core/func/value/operator/num_operator/dtimes
- core/func/value/operator/operator
- core/func/value/operator/operator_enum
- core/func/value/operator/str_operator/dstr_link
- core/func/var
- core/type/dtype
- core/type/dtypes
- dpro
- run/run_engine
- run/run_tip
- tran/lang_tips/djava
- tran/lang_tips/dpython
- tran/lang_tips/language_tip
- tran/language_tips
- tran/tran_engine