setLogLevel method

Future<SetLogPriorityResponse> setLogLevel(
  1. LogLevel priority, {
  2. String module = 'all',

Set logs priority for the chosen sotfware module at the given LogLevel.

Defaults to settings the given LogLevel to all modules.

Available modules are :

  • Gateway
  • Backend socket
  • BT HAL
  • Config
  • LUT
  • MQ
  • Request parser
  • Socket server


Future<SetLogPriorityResponse> setLogLevel(
  LogLevel priority, {
  String module = 'all',
}) async {
  if (module.isBlank) {
    throw ArgumentError('module must not be blank');
  return SetLogPriorityResponse.fromJson(await _sendRequest(
    params: <String, dynamic>{'module': module, 'priority': priority.index},