connect method

Future<void> connect(
  1. String id, {
  2. bool overWAN = false,
  3. String? host,
  4. int? port,

Connect to the gateway.

id corresponds to your gateway id.

By default, it will attempt a connection on DOOZ-OOPLA.local to use LAN connection. If overWAN is set to true, it will attempt a connection on the given remote host.


Future<void> connect(
  String id, {
  bool overWAN = false,
  String? host,
  int? port,
}) async {
  if (id.isBlank) {
    throw ArgumentError('Please provide a gateway ID.');
  if (host == null && overWAN) {
    throw ArgumentError('host must not be null when using WAN connection');
  final _host = overWAN ? host : localGatewayHost;
  final _port = port ?? defaultGatewayPort;
  final _gatewayID = id.trim();
  final _socketURL = 'wss://$_host:$_port/v1/$_gatewayID';

  _log('attempting connection on $_host:$_port');
  WebSocket gatewaySocket;
  if (overWAN) {
    gatewaySocket = await WebSocket.connect(_socketURL);
  } else {
    // need to use other connection method to be able to handle bad certificate (self-signed)
    throw UnimplementedError('need to find a way to pass the API path');
    // final s = await SecureSocket.connect(
    //   _host,
    //   port ?? defaultGatewayPort,
    //   onBadCertificate: (certificate) {
    //     _log('bad cert !');
    //     _log('------- CERT DATA -------');
    //     _log('startValidity ${certificate.startValidity}');
    //     _log('endValidity ${certificate.endValidity}');
    //     _log('issuer ${certificate.issuer}');
    //     _log('subject ${certificate.subject}');
    //     _log('--------------------------');
    //     _log('attempting LAN access: ${!overWAN}');
    //     if (!overWAN) {
    //       _log('ignoring because LAN connection...');
    //     }
    //     return !overWAN;
    //   },
    // );
    // _log('remoteAddress ${s.remoteAddress}');

    // gatewaySocket = WebSocket.fromUpgradedSocket(
    //   s,
    //   serverSide: false,
    // );

  final channel = IOWebSocketChannel(gatewaySocket);

  _peer = Peer(channel.cast<String>());


    (parameters) {
      _log('${parameters.method} ${parameters.value}');
      throw RpcException.methodNotFound(parameters.method);

  unawaited(_peer!.listen().catchError((Object e, Object s) {
    _log('error in peer stream !\n$e\n\n\n$s');
  }).whenComplete(() {
    _log('connection terminated');
  _log('done ! listening...');