Pub Version

DOO CX Flutter SDK

A package to integrate DOO CX into your Flutter mobile application for Android and iOS. DOO CX helps businesses automate routine tasks, optimize sales and customer service processes, and provide personalized interactions by seamlessly integrating AI with existing tools and workflows.

1. Add the package to your project

Run the command below in your terminal:

flutter pub add doo_cx_flutter_sdk


Add it manually into your project's pubspec.yml file as the following:

    sdk: flutter


2. Consume the SDK

a. Using DOOWidget

  • Create a website channel in DOO dashboard.
  • Replace your_website_token in the 'main.dart' file as the following:
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
  void initState() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.inversePrimary,
        title: Text(widget.title),
      body: DOOWidget(
        websiteToken: "your_website_token",
        baseUrl: "",
        user: DOOUser(
          identifier: "flutter_tester",
          name: "Flutter Tester",
          email: "",
        locale: "en",
        closeWidget: _handleCloseWidget,
        onAttachFile: _handleAttachFile,
        onLoadStarted: () {
          if (kDebugMode) {
            print("Loading Widget");
        onLoadProgress: (int progress) {
          if (kDebugMode) {
            print("Loading... $progress");
        onLoadCompleted: () {
          if (kDebugMode) {
            print("Widget Loaded");
  // The rest of the code here

Available Parameters

Name Default Type Description
websiteToken - String Website inbox channel token
baseUrl - String Installation url for DOO
user - DOOUser User information about the user like email, username and avatar_url
locale en String User locale
closeWidget - void Function() widget close event
customAttributes - dynamic Additional information about the customer
onAttachFile - Future<List Widget Attachment event. Should return a list of File Uris Currently supported only on Android devices
onLoadStarted - void Function() Widget load start event
onLoadProgress - void Function(int) Widget Load progress event
onLoadCompleted - void Function() Widget Load completed event

b. Using DOOClient

  • Create an API inbox in DOO dashboard.
  • Create your own customized chat UI like the following example and use DOOClient to load and sendMessages. Messaging events like onMessageSent and onMessageReceived will be triggered on DOOCallback argument passed when creating the client instance.

Notice: DOO client uses Hive for local storage.

final dooCallbacks = DOOCallbacks(
      onWelcome: (){
      onPing: (){
      onConfirmedSubscription: (){
        print("Confirmed subscription");
      onConversationStartedTyping: (){
        print("Conversation started typing");
      onConversationStoppedTyping: (){
        print("Conversation stopped typing");
      onPersistedMessagesRetrieved: (persistedMessages){
        print("Persisted messages retrieved");
      onMessagesRetrieved: (messages){
        print("Messages retrieved");
      onMessageReceived: (dooMessage){
        print("Message received");
      onMessageDelivered: (dooMessage, echoId){
        print("Message delivered");
      onMessageSent: (dooMessage, echoId){
        print("Message sent");
      onError: (error){
        print("Sorry! Something went wrong. Error: ${error.cause}");

        baseUrl: widget.baseUrl,
        inboxIdentifier: widget.inboxIdentifier,
        user: widget.user,
        enablePersistence: widget.enablePersistence,
        callbacks: dooCallbacks
    ).then((client) {
    }).onError((error, stackTrace) {
      print("DOO client creation failed with error $error: $stackTrace");

Available Parameters

Name Default Type Description
baseUrl - String Installation url for DOO
inboxIdentifier - String Identifier for target DOO inbox
enablePersistance true bool Enables persistence of DOO client instance's contact, conversation and messages to disk
for convenience.
true - persists DOO client instance's data(contact, conversation and messages) to disk. To clear persisted
data call DOOClient.clearData or DOOClient.clearAllData
false - holds DOO client instance's data in memory and is cleared as
soon as DOO client instance is disposed
user null DOOUser Custom user details to be attached to DOO contact
callbacks null DOOCallbacks Callbacks for handling DOO events