dom_tools library


Allows anu Uri policy.
An image viewer that can render points, rectangles, clip and grid over.
Represents a color.
CSS animation configuration for a List<Element>.
CSS animation configuration for a group of CSSAnimationConfig.
A Theme set, with multiples themes.
A collections of assets (DataURL, Blob, MediaSource) that can be accessed by an ObjectURL, avoiding usage and encoding to data URL (base64).
Represents a persistent storage in the browser.
A TreeReferenceMap for DOM Nodes.
Filter result.
A color represented using alpha, hue, saturation, and lightness.
A color represented using alpha, hue, saturation, and value.
A filter that applies a perspective to an image.
A cache for perspective filers.
A cache for scaled images.
Base class for an Object that can be converted to JSON.
Label<T extends num>
A state stored in DataStorage.
Represents a value stored in State.
Specifies a CSS color.
Converts JSON node to a String.
Concatenate transformations
Converts JSON node decoding to a JSON tree.
Converts JSON node encoding to a JSON String.
Specifies a CSS text style.
Transforms JSON node to a List index value.
Converts JSON node to a Lower Case String.
Converts JSON node to a MapEntry.
Transforms JSON node to a Map key value.
Base class for operations.
Tracks a DOM Element to identify when its visible in viewport.
Tracks a DOM Element to identify when its size changes.
Tracks a DOM Element to identify when a value changes.
Converts JSON node, splitting to a List<String>.
A text String.
Converts JSON node to a Trimmed String.
Converts JSON node to an Upper Case String.
Represents an element in the CanvasImageViewer.


Type of DataStorage.
The type of edition for CanvasImageViewer.
Specifies a CSS font style.
Specifies a CSS font weight.
Quality of an image.
State operation.
Status type of touch device detection.


codeTheme0 → const Map<String, TextStyle>
codeTheme1 → const Map<String, TextStyle>
codeTheme2 → const Map<String, TextStyle>
cssMaxZIndex → const int


codeTheme CSSThemeSet
deviceHeight int?
no setter
deviceWidth int?
no setter
isExtraLargeDevice bool
no setter
isExtraSmallDevice bool
no setter
isLargeDevice bool
no setter
isLargeDeviceOrHigher bool
no setter
isLargeDeviceOrLower bool
no setter
isMediumDevice bool
no setter
isMediumDeviceOrLHigher bool
no setter
isMediumDeviceOrLower bool
no setter
isSmallDevice bool
no setter
isSmallDeviceOrHigher bool
no setter
isSmallDeviceOrLower bool
no setter
onDetectTouchDevice → EventStream<TouchDeviceDetection>
Will fire a TouchDeviceDetection when detection finishes.


addCSSCode(String cssCode) Future<bool>
Adds a CSS code (cssCode) into DOM.
addCssSource(String cssSource, {int? insertIndex}) Future<bool>
Add a CSS path using a link element into head DOM node.
addElementsClasses(Iterable<Element> elements, Iterable<String> classes) bool
Add to elements a set of classes. Will remove classes starting with '!'.
addJavaScriptCode(String scriptCode) Future<bool>
Adds a JavaScript code (scriptCode) into DOM.
addJavaScriptSource(String scriptSource, {bool addToBody = false, bool async = false}) Future<bool>
Adds a JavaScript path (scriptSource] into DOM.
addJSFunction(String name, List<String> parameters, String body) Future<bool>
Adds a JavaScript function into DOM.
animateCSSSequence(Iterable<CSSAnimationConfig> animationsConfig, {Duration? initialDelay, int? repeat, bool? repeatInfinity}) Future<void>?
Sames animateCSS but runs animationsConfig in sequence;
appendElementInnerHTML(Element element, String html, {NodeValidator? validator}) → void
Appends to the inner HTML of element with parsed result of html.
applyCSS(CssStyleDeclaration css, Element element, [List<Element>? extraElements]) bool
Applies css to element and extraElements list if present.
applyPerspective(CanvasImageSource image, List<Point<num>> perspective) FilterResult?
Apply perspective filter to image.
asCssStyleDeclaration(dynamic css) CssStyleDeclaration
Parses dynamic css as CssStyleDeclaration.
blockHorizontalScrollTraverse(Element element) → void
Blocks a scroll event in the horizontal direction that traverses the element.
blockHorizontalScrollTraverseEvent(Element element, WheelEvent wheelEvent) bool
Blocks a wheelEvent in the horizontal direction that traverses the element.
blockScrollTraverse(Element element) → void
Blocks a scroll event in the vertical and horizontal directions that traverses the element.
blockVerticalScrollTraverse(Element element) → void
Blocks a scroll event in the vertical direction that traverses the element.
blockVerticalScrollTraverseEvent(Element element, WheelEvent wheelEvent) bool
Blocks a wheelEvent in the vertical direction that traverses the element.
buildMetaContent(Map<String, String?> map) String
Builds a meta content from map.
callJSFunction(String method, [List? args]) → dynamic
Calls JavaScript a function method with args.
callJSObjectMethod(Object o, String method, [List? args]) → dynamic
Calls JavaScript a method in object o with args.
canvasToImageElement(CanvasElement canvas, [String? mimeType, num? quality]) ImageElement
Converts canvas to ImageElement
clearSelections() → void
Clears selected text in vieport.
copyElementToClipboard(Element element) bool
Copies element text to Clipboard.
copyPoints(List<Point<num>> points) List<Point<num>>
Makes a copy of points.
createDiv([bool inline = false, String? html, NodeValidator? validator]) DivElement
Creates a div. inline If true sets display: inline-block. html The HTML to parse as content.
createDivInline([String? html]) DivElement
Creates a div with display: inline-block.
createDivInlineBlock() DivElement
Creates a div with display: inline-block.
createHTML([String? html, NodeValidator? validator]) Element
Creates a HTML Element. Returns 1st node form parsed HTML.
createImageElementFromBase64(String? base64, [String? mimeType]) ImageElement?
Creates an image from a Base-64 with mimeType.
createImageElementFromFile(File file) Future<ImageElement>
Creates an image from a file.
createLabel([String? html, NodeValidator? validator]) LabelElement
Creates a label element.
createScaledImage(CanvasImageSource image, int width, int height, double scale) CanvasImageSource
Creates a new image from image, of width and height, to a scale.
createSpan([String? html, NodeValidator? validator]) SpanElement
Creates a span element.
createStandardNodeValidator({bool svg = true, bool allowSvgForeignObject = false}) NodeValidatorBuilder
cropImage(CanvasImageSource image, int x, int y, int width, int height) CanvasElement?
Crops the image using coordinates x, y, width and height, returning new image (CanvasElement).
cropImageByRectangle(CanvasImageSource image, Rectangle<num>? crop) CanvasElement?
Crops an image using a Rectangle (crop), delegating to method cropImage,
dataURLToBlob(DataURLBase64 dataURL) Blob
Converts a dataURL to a Blob.
defineCSS(CssStyleDeclaration? currentCSS, CssStyleDeclaration? appendCSS, [dynamic defaultCSS]) CssStyleDeclaration
Defines a new CssStyleDeclaration merging currentCSS and appendCSS.
detectTouchDevice() TouchDeviceDetection?
Starts touch device detection. Returns the current status.
disableDoubleClicks() → void
Disables browser double clicks/tap.
disableScrolling() → void
Disables scrolling in browser.
disableZooming() → void
Disables browser zooming.
downloadBlob(Blob blob, String fileName) → void
Downloads blob of type mimeType, saving a file with fileName.
downloadBytes(List<int> bytes, MimeType mimeType, String fileName) → void
Downloads bytes of type mimeType, saving a file with fileName.
downloadContent(List<String> content, MimeType mimeType, String fileName) → void
Downloads content of type mimeType, saving a file with fileName.
downloadDataURL(DataURLBase64 dataURL, String fileName) → void
Downloads dataURL, saving a file with fileName.
elementMatchesAttribute(Element element, String attributeName, dynamic attributeValue) bool
Returns true if element matches attributeName and attributeValue.
elementMatchesAttributes(Element element, Map<String, dynamic> attributes) bool
Returns true if element matches attributes.
elementOnLoad(ImageElement img) Future<bool>
Returns a Future<bool> for when img loads.
enableScrolling() → void
Enables scrolling in browser.
evalJS(String scriptCode) → dynamic
Call eval() with the content of scriptCode and returns the result.
getAllCssRuleBySelector(Pattern targetSelector, CssStyleSheet? sheet) List<CssRule>
Returns a List<CssRule> for targetSelector.
getAllCssStyleSheet() List<CssStyleSheet>
Returns all current CssStyleSheet.
getAllMediaCssRule(String mediaCondition) List<CssMediaRule>
Returns a list of @media CssRule with mediaCondition.
getAllOutOfViewportMediaCssRule(int viewportWidth, dynamic viewportHeight) List<CssMediaRule>
Returns all CssMediaRule not applied for viewportWidth and viewportHeight.
getAllOutOfViewportMediaCssRuleAsClassRule(int viewportWidth, dynamic viewportHeight, String targetClass) List<String>
Transforms all CssMediaRule to targetClass rule not applied for viewportWidth and viewportHeight.
getAllViewportMediaCssRule(int viewportWidth, dynamic viewportHeight) List<CssMediaRule>
Returns all CssMediaRule applied for viewportWidth viewportHeight.
getAllViewportMediaCssRuleAsClassRule(int viewportWidth, dynamic viewportHeight, String targetClass) List<String>
Transforms all CssMediaRule to targetClass rule applied for viewportWidth and viewportHeight.
getAnchorElementByHREF(String href) AnchorElement?
Selects an AnchorElement in DOM with href.
getComputedStyle({Element? parent, Element? element, String? classes, String? style, bool? hidden}) CssStyleDeclaration
Returns a CssStyleDeclaration from an element.
getElementAllCssProperties(Element element) List<String>
Returns a list of CSS properties associated with element
getElementAllCssRule(Element element) List<CssRule>
Returns a list of CssRule associated with element.
getElementAttribute(Element element, Object? key) String?
Returns element attribute with key.
getElementAttributeRegExp(Element element, RegExp key) String?
Returns element attribute with RegExp key.
getElementAttributeStr(Element element, String key) String?
Returns element attribute with String key.
getElementByHREF(String tag, String href) Element?
Selects an Element in DOM with tag and href.
getElementBySRC(String tag, String src) Element?
Selects an Element in DOM with tag and src.
getElementByValues<V>(String tag, ElementValueGetter getter, List<V> values, [ElementValueGetter? getter2, List<V>? values2]) Element?
selects in DOM an Element with tag and one of values provided by getter.
getElementDocumentPosition(Element element) → Pair<num>
Returns the X and Y position of Element int the Document.
getElementHeight(Element element, [int? def]) int?
Returns element height. Tries to use 'offsetHeight' or 'style.height' values.
getElementHREF(Element element) String?
Returns href value for different Element types.
getElementPreComputedStyle(Element element) CssStyleDeclaration
Returns a CssStyleDeclaration of the pre-computed CSS properties of element.
getElementSRC(Element element) String?
Returns src value for different Element types.
getElementsWithAttributes(String tag, Map<String, dynamic> matchAttributes) List<Element>
Selects elements from DOM with tag and matches attribute.
getElementTagName(Node node) String?
Returns the node tag name. Returns null if node is not an Element.
getElementValue(Element element, [String? def]) String?
Gets the element value depending of identified type.
getElementWidth(Element element, [int? def]) int?
Returns element width. Tries to use 'offsetWidth' or 'style.width' values.
getElementZIndex(Element? element, [String? def]) String?
Returns the element z-index or element.parent z-index recursively.
getFileMimeType(File file, [String accept = '']) → MimeType?
Returns the file MimeType.
getImageDimension(CanvasImageSource image) Rectangle<int>?
Gets the width and height from image (CanvasImageSource).
getLinkElementByHREF(String href, [String? rel]) LinkElement?
Selects an LinkElement in DOM with href.
getMetaTagsContentWithName(String name) List<String?>
Returns a list of meta contet with name.
getMetaTagsWithName(String name) List<Element>
Returns a list of meta Element with name.
getParentElement(Element element, {bool validator(Element parent)?, int maxLevels = 1000}) Element?
Returns the parent of element applying validator and maxLevels.
getScriptElementBySRC(String src) ScriptElement?
Selects an ScriptElement in DOM with src.
getURLData(String url, {String? user, String? password, bool withCredentials = true}) Future<Uint8List>
Makes a HTTP request and returns url content as Uint8List.
getVisibleNode(Element? element) Element?
Get the first visible element in the hierarchy.
htmlToText(String html, [NodeValidator? validator]) String?
Transform html to plain text.
isCssEmpty(CssStyleDeclaration css) bool
Returns true if CssStyleDeclaration is empty.
isCssNotEmpty(CssStyleDeclaration css) bool
Returns true if CssStyleDeclaration is not empty.
isElementWithHREF(Element element) bool
Returns true if element type can have href attribute.
isElementWithSRC(Element element) bool
Returns true if element type can have src attribute.
isInDOM(dynamic element) bool
Returns true if element is in DOM tree.
isInlineElement(DivElement element, {bool checkBootstrapClasses = true}) bool
Returns true if element display property is inline.
isInViewport(Element element, {bool fully = false}) bool
Returns true if element is visible in viewport.
isMobileAppStatusBarTranslucent() bool
Returns true if meta tag of name apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style is translucent.
isNodeInDOM(Node node) bool
Returns true if node is in DOM tree.
isOrientationInLandscapeMode() bool
Returns true if device orientation is in Landscape mode.
isOrientationInPortraitMode() bool
Returns true if device orientation is in Portrait mode.
isSafariIOS() bool
jsArrayToList(JsArray? a) List?
Converts a JsArray a to a List. Also converts values using jsToDart.
jsObjectKeys(JsObject o) List<String>
Returns the keys of JsObject o.
jsObjectToMap(JsObject? o) Map?
Converts a JsObject o to a Map. Also converts keys and values using jsToDart.
jsToDart(Object? o) Object?
Converts o to Dart primitives or collections.
lerpDouble(num a, num b, double t) double?
loadCSS(String cssClassPrefix, Map<String, CSSValueBase>? css) → void
Loads css dynamically.
mapJSFunction(String jsFunctionName, MappedFunction f) → void
Maps a JavaScript function to a Dart function.
markdownToDiv(String markdown, {bool normalize = true, Iterable<BlockSyntax>? blockSyntaxes, Iterable<InlineSyntax>? inlineSyntaxes, ExtensionSet? extensionSet, Resolver? linkResolver, Resolver? imageLinkResolver, bool inlineOnly = false}) DivElement
Converts a markdown document into a HTML in a div node.
markdownToHtml(String markdown, {bool normalize = true, Iterable<BlockSyntax>? blockSyntaxes, Iterable<InlineSyntax>? inlineSyntaxes, ExtensionSet? extensionSet, Resolver? linkResolver, Resolver? imageLinkResolver, bool inlineOnly = false}) String
Converts a markdown document into a HTML string.
measureText(String text, {required String fontFamily, required Object fontSize, bool bold = false}) → Dimension?
nodeTreeContains(Node rootNode, Node target) bool
Returns true if rootNode contains target.
nodeTreeContainsAny(Node rootNode, Iterable<Node> list) bool
Returns true if rootNode contains any Node in list.
normalizeIndent(String text) String
Normalizes a indent, removing the common/global indent of the code.
numsToPoints(List<num> perspective) List<Point<num>>
Converts a List<num>, as pairs, to a List<Point>.
onOrientationchange(EventListener listener) bool
Attaches listener to orientationchange event.
parseCSSLength(String cssValue, {String? unit, int? def, bool allowPXWithoutSuffix = false}) num?
Parses a CSS length, using optional unit.
parseCssRuleSelectors(CssRule cssRule) List<String>
Parses the selectors of cssRule.
parseCssRuleTextProperties(String? cssRuleText) String
Returns a list of properties of the CssRule text.
parseCssRuleTextSelectors(String? cssRuleText) List<String>
Returns a list of selectors of the CssRule text.
parseMetaContent(String content) Map<String, String?>
Parses a meta content to Map<String,String>.
prefetchHref(String href, {int? insertIndex, bool? preLoad}) Future<bool>
Prefetch a HREF using a link element into head DOM node.
readFileDataAsArrayBuffer(File file) Future<Uint8List?>
Reads file as Uint8List.
readFileDataAsBase64(File file) Future<String?>
Reads file as Base64 String.
readFileDataAsDataURLBase64(File file, [String accept = '']) Future<String?>
Reads file as DATA URL Base64 String.
readFileDataAsText(File file) Future<String?>
Reads file as text.
readFileInputElementAsArrayBuffer(FileUploadInputElement? input, [bool removeExifFromImage = false]) Future<Uint8List?>
Reads selected file of input as Uint8List.
readFileInputElementAsBase64(FileUploadInputElement? input, [bool removeExifFromImage = false]) Future<String?>
Reads selected file of input as Base64.
readFileInputElementAsDataURLBase64(FileUploadInputElement? input, [bool removeExifFromImage = false]) Future<String?>
Reads selected file of input as DATA URL Base64.
readFileInputElementAsString(FileUploadInputElement? input, [bool removeExifFromImage = false]) Future<String?>
Reads selected file of input as String.
redirectOnTouchEndToMouseEvent(Element element) → void
Redirects element.onTouchEnd to element.onMouseUp as MouseEvent.
redirectOnTouchMoveToMouseEvent(Element element) → void
Redirects element.onTouchMove to element.onMouseMove as MouseEvent.
redirectOnTouchStartToMouseEvent(Element element) → void
Redirects element.onTouchStart to element.onMouseDown as MouseEvent.
reloadAssets(Map<String, String> assetsURLAndTag, {Duration? timeout}) Future<bool>
Reloads an asset (img, audi or video), forcing reload of asset URL.
reloadIframe(IFrameElement iFrame, [bool? forceGet]) Future<bool>
Reloads an IFrame document.
removeElementBackgroundBlur(Element element, [int? blurSize]) → void
Removes element background blur effect, set by setElementBackgroundBlur.
removeElementScrollColors(Element element) List<String>?
Removes element scroll colors CSS properties set by setElementScrollColors.
removeExifFromImageFile(File file) Future<String?>
Removes Exif from JPEG file.
replaceElement(Node n1, Node n2) bool
Replaces n1 with n2 in n1 parent.
resetZoom() → void
Resets viewport zoom.
rotateCanvasImageSource(CanvasImageSource image, int width, int height, [dynamic angleDegree = 90]) CanvasElement
Rotates image (a CanvasImageSource) with angleDegree.
rotateImageElement(ImageElement image, [dynamic angleDegree = 90]) CanvasElement
Rotates image with angleDegree.
scalePoints(List<Point<num>> points, double scale) List<Point<num>>
Scales points to scale.
scalePointsXY(List<Point<num>> points, double scaleX, double scaleY) List<Point<num>>
Scales points to scaleX and scaleY.
scrollTo(num? x, num? y, {bool smooth = true, int? delayMs, Object? scrollable}) → void
Scrolls viewport to x,y.
scrollToBottom({bool smooth = true, int? delayMs}) → void
Scrolls viewport to the bottom.
scrollToElement(Element element, {bool centered = true, bool vertical = true, bool horizontal = true, bool smooth = true, int? translateX, int? translateY, Object? scrollable}) → void
Scrolls the viewport to the element.
scrollToLeft({bool smooth = true, int? delayMs}) → void
Scrolls viewport to the left border.
scrollToRight({bool smooth = true, int? delayMs}) → void
Scrolls viewport to the right border.
scrollToTop({bool smooth = true, int y = 0, bool fixSafariIOS = false, int? delayMs}) → void
Scrolls viewport to the top.
scrollToTopDelayed(int delayMs) → void
Use scrollToTop instead.
selectCssRuleWithSelector(Pattern targetSelector) List<CssRule>
Returns a list of CssRule with targetSelector patterns.
setDivCentered(DivElement div, {bool centerVertically = true, bool centerHorizontally = true, bool checkBootstrapClasses = true}) → void
Sets div as centered content, using display property as table and sub div elements display property as table-cell.
setElementBackgroundBlur(Element element, [int? blurSize]) → void
Sets element background as a blur effect of size blurSize. Uses CSS property backdrop-filter.
setElementHREF(Element element, String href) bool
Sets element href depending of the identified type.
setElementInnerHTML(Element element, String html, {NodeValidator? validator}) → void
Sets the inner HTML of element with parsed result of html.
setElementScrollColors(Element element, int scrollWidth, String scrollButtonColor, [String? scrollBgColor]) String?
Sets element scroll colors, using standard CSS property scrollbar-color and webkit pseudo element ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb and ::-webkit-scrollbar-track
setElementSRC(Element element, String src) bool
Sets the element src depending of the identified type.
setElementValue(Element? element, String value) bool
Sets the element value depending of the identified type.
setMetaViewportScale({String? minimumScale, String? maximumScale}) bool
Sets the meta viewport with minimumScale and maximumScale.
setTreeElementsBackgroundBlur(Element element, String className) → void
setTreeElementsDivCentered(Element element, String className, {bool centerVertically = true, bool centerHorizontally = true}) → void
Set all element sub div with className to centered content.
setZoom(String zoom) → void
Sets the viewport zoom.
showDialogElement(Element content, {double? transparency, String? padding}) DivElement
Shows an Element dialog.
showDialogHTML(String? html, {double? transparency, String? padding, NodeValidator? validator}) DivElement?
Shows a html dialog.
showDialogImage(String src) → void
Shows an image (src) dialog.
showDialogText(String? text, {double? transparency, String? padding}) DivElement?
Shows a text dialog.
toCanvasElement(CanvasImageSource imageSource, int width, int height) CanvasElement
Converts imageSource to CanvasElement.
toDataURLBase64(String? mediaType, String base64) String
Builds a DATA URL string.
toHTML(Element element) String
Converts element to HTML.
touchEventToMouseEvent(TouchEvent event) MouseEvent?
Converts a TouchEvent event to a MouseEvent.
translatePoints(List<Point<num>> points, num x, num y) List<Point<num>>
Translate pints in x and y.


AnimationCallback = void Function()
ElementValueGetter<T> = T? Function(Element element)
Returns a value from an Element.
FunctionTest = bool Function()
ImageFilter = CanvasImageSource Function(CanvasImageSource? image, int width, int height)
Applies a filter to image, of width and height.
MappedFunction = dynamic Function(dynamic o)
MatchesValue = bool Function(String value)
OnElementEvent = void Function(Element element)
OnElementTrackValueEvent<T> = bool Function(Element element, T? value)
StateEventListener = void Function(StateOperation op, State state, String key, dynamic value)
StateKeyListener = void Function(dynamic value)
ValueCopier<T> = T? Function(T? value)