ConferenceService class Services

The ConferenceService allows an application to manage a conference life-cycle and interact with the conference. The service allows creating, joining, and leaving conferences and managing the audio, video, and screen-share streams.


ConferenceService(SessionService _sessionService)


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


create(ConferenceCreateOption options) Future<Conference>
Creates a conference and returns the Conference object. The options parameter allows setting the conference preferences.
current() Future<Conference>
Returns the Conference object for the current conference.
fetch(String? conferenceId) Future<Conference>
Returns the Conference object that you can use to join the conference. If the conferenceId parameter is not provided, the method returns the current Conference object.
getAudioLevel(Participant participant) Future<AudioLevel>
Returns the participant's audio level. Audio level values are in the range 0 to 1. The participant parameter refers to the participant whose audio level should be returned.
getLocalStats() Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Gets the standard WebRTC statistics.
getMaxVideoForwarding() Future<MaxVideoForwarding>
Returns the maximum number of video streams that can be transmitted to the local participant.
getParticipant(String participantId) Future<Participant>
Gets the Participant object based on the participantId.
getParticipants(Conference conference) Future<List<Participant>>
Gets a list of participants who are present at a specific conference defined in the conference parameter. Note: If a session is closed and reopened, the list obtained from the getParticipants method can sometimes get corrupted. This can result in no preview video being displayed for the local participant or the local participant appearing twice on the list.
getStatus(Conference conference) Future<ConferenceStatus>
Gets the status of a specific conference.
isMuted() Future<bool>
Returns the current mute state of the local participant.
isSpeaking(Participant participant) Future<bool>
Returns the participant's current speaking status for the active talker indicator. The participant parameter refers to the participant whose speaking status the local participant would like to receive.
join(Conference conference, ConferenceJoinOptions options) Future<Conference>
Joins a conference as a user who can send media to the conference. The conference parameter refers to the conference that tha local participant wants to join. The options parameter allows setting additional options for the joining participant.
kick(Participant participant) Future<void>
Kicks a participant out of the current conference. This method is available only for conference owners or participants who have the adequate permissions to kick a participant. The participant parameter refers to the participant who should be kicked out of the conference.
leave({ConferenceLeaveOptions? options}) Future<void>
Leaves the current conference. The options parameter allows setting additional options for the leaving participant. The options parameter allows choosing additional options for the leaving participant.
listen(Conference conference, ConferenceListenOptions options) Future<Conference>
Joins a conference as a listener. The conference parameter refers to the conference that tha local participant wants to join as a listener. The options parameter allows setting additional options for the joining participant.
mute(Participant participant, bool isMuted) Future<bool>
Stops playing a specific remote participant's audio to the local participant or stops playing the local participant's audio to the conference. The participant parameter refers to the participant who should be muted. The isMuted parameter enables and disables audio; true indicates that the SDK should mute the participant, false indicates that the participant should not be muted.
muteOutput(bool isMuted) Future<bool>
Controls playing remote participants' audio to the local participant. Note: This API is only supported when the client connects to a Dolby Voice conference. The isMuted parameter enables and disables audio.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onParticipantsChange() Stream<Event<ConferenceServiceEventNames, Participant>>
Returns a Stream of the ConferenceServiceEventNames.participantAdded and ConferenceServiceEventNames.participantUpdated events. By subscribing to the returned stream you will be notified about changed statuses of conference participants and new participants in a conference.
onPermissionsChange() Stream<Event<ConferenceServiceEventNames, List<ConferencePermission>>>
Returns a Stream of the ConferenceServiceEventNames.permissionsUpdated events. By subscribing to the returned stream you will be notified about conference permissions changes.
onStatusChange() Stream<Event<ConferenceServiceEventNames, ConferenceStatus>>
Returns a Stream of the ConferenceServiceEventNames.statusUpdated events. By subscribing to the returned stream you will be notified about conference status changes.
onStreamsChange() Stream<Event<ConferenceServiceEventNames, StreamsChangeData>>
Returns a Stream of the ConferenceServiceEventNames.streamAdded, ConferenceServiceEventNames.streamUpdated, and ConferenceServiceEventNames.streamRemoved events. By subscribing to the returned stream you will be notified about new, changed, and removed streams of conference participants.
replay({required Conference conference, ConferenceReplayOptions? replayOptions}) Future<Conference>
Replays a recorded conference. The replayOptions parameter refers to additional replay options that you can define. For more information, see the Recording Conferences article.
setAudioProcessing(AudioProcessingOptions options) Future<void>
Enables and disables audio processing for the local participant. The options parameter refers to additional audio processing options.
setMaxVideoForwarding(MaxVideoForwarding max, List<Participant> prioritizedParticipants) Future<bool>
Sets the maximum number of video streams that may be transmitted to the local participant.
setSpatialDirection(SpatialDirection direction) Future<void>
Sets the direction the local participant is facing in space. This method is available only for participants who joined the conference using the ConferenceService.join method with the ConferenceJoinOptions.spatialAudio parameter enabled. Otherwise, SDK triggers an error. To set a spatial direction for listeners, use the Set Spatial Listeners Audio REST API.
setSpatialEnvironment(SpatialScale scale, SpatialPosition forward, SpatialPosition up, SpatialPosition right) Future<void>
Configures a spatial environment of an application, so the audio renderer understands which directions the application considers forward, up, and right and which units it uses for distance. This method is available only for participants who joined a conference using the ConferenceService.join method with the ConferenceJoinOptions.spatialAudio parameter enabled. Otherwise, SDK triggers an error. To set a spatial environment for listeners, use the Set Spatial Listeners Audio REST API.
setSpatialPosition({required Participant participant, required SpatialPosition position}) Future<void>
Sets a participant's position in space to enable the spatial audio experience during a Dolby Voice conference. This method is available only for participants who joined the conference using the ConferenceService.join method with the ConferenceJoinOptions.spatialAudio parameter enabled. Otherwise, SDK triggers an error. To set a spatial position for listeners, use the Set Spatial Listeners Audio REST API.
setVideoForwarding(VideoForwardingStrategy strategy, MaxVideoForwarding max, List<Participant> prioritizedParticipants) Future<bool>
Sets the maximum number of video streams that may be transmitted to the local participant. For more information, see the Video Forwarding article.
startAudio(Participant participant) Future<void>
Starts audio transmission between the local client and a conference. The startAudio method impacts only the audio streams that the local participant sends and receives; the method does not impact the audio transmission between remote participants and a conference and does not allow the local participant to force sending remote participants’ streams to the conference or to the local participant. Depending on the specified participant in the participant parameter, the startAudio method starts the proper audio transmission:
startScreenShare() Future<void>
Starts a screen sharing session. For iOS, see the ScreenShare with iOS document that describes how to set up screen share outside the application.
startVideo(Participant participant) Future<void>
Notifies the server to either start sending the local participant's video stream to the conference or start sending a remote participant's video stream to the local participant. The behavior depends on the specified participant in participant parameter. The startVideo method does not control the remote participant's video stream; if a remote participant does not transmit any video stream, the local participant cannot change it using the startVideo method.
stopAudio(Participant participant) Future<void>
Stops audio transmission between the local client and a conference. The stopAudio method impacts only the audio streams that the local participant sends and receives; the method does not impact the audio transmission between remote participants and a conference and does not allow the local participant to stop sending remote participants’ streams to the conference. Depending on the specified participant in the participant parameter, the stopAudio method stops the proper audio transmission:
stopScreenShare() Future<void>
Stops a screen sharing session.
stopVideo(Participant participant) Future<void>
Notifies the server to either stop sending the local participant's video stream to the conference or stop sending a remote participant's video stream to the local participant. The behavior depends on the specified participant in participant parameter.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updatePermissions(List<ParticipantPermissions> participantPermissions) Future<void>
Updates the participant's conference permissions. The participantPermissions parameter allows assigning the required permissions to specific participants.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.