query_dsl library


and(List<FilterExpr> filters) FilterExpr
Matches if all of the given filters match.
arrayContains(String field, dynamic value) FilterExpr
Matches if the field contains exactly the given value.
eq<STRUCT>(String field, dynamic value) FilterExpr
Matches if the field is equal to the given value. If STRUCT is specified, the value is expected to be a STRUCT instance and is automatically converted to a Map.
exists(String field, {bool value = true}) FilterExpr
Matches if the field's existence matches the given value.
gt(String field, dynamic value) FilterExpr
Matches if the field is greater than the given value.
gte(String field, dynamic value) FilterExpr
Matches if the field is greater than or equal to the given value.
inArray(String field, List values) FilterExpr
Matches if the field contains any of the given values.
lt(String field, dynamic value) FilterExpr
Matches if the field is less than the given value.
lte(String field, dynamic value) FilterExpr
Matches if the field is less than or equal to the given value.
nativeFilter(Object obj) FilterExpr
ne<STRUCT>(String field, dynamic value) FilterExpr
Matches if the field is not equal to the given value. If STRUCT is specified, the value is expected to be a STRUCT instance and is automatically converted to a Map.
notInArray(String field, List values) FilterExpr
Matches if the field does not contain any of the given values.
or(List<FilterExpr> filters) FilterExpr
Matches if any of the given filters match.