DockerCommander class

The Docker manager.


DockerCommander(DockerHost dockerHost)


defaultOutputTime Duration
The default timeout to wait data in STDOUT/STDERR outputs.
no setterinherited
dockerHost DockerHost
Docker machine host.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isInitialized bool
Returns true if is initialized, even if is initialized with errors.
no setter
isSuccessfullyInitialized bool
Returns true if is successfully initialized.
no setter
lastDaemonCheck DateTime?
Returns the last DateTime that Docker daemon was checked.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
session int
Returns dockerHost.session
no setter


checkDaemon() Future<void>
Checks if Docker daemon is accessible.
close() Future<void>
Closes this instances, and internal dockerHost.
command(String command, List<String> args, {bool outputAsLines = true, int? outputLimit, OutputReadyFunction? stdoutReadyFunction, OutputReadyFunction? stderrReadyFunction, OutputReadyType? outputReadyType}) Future<DockerProcess?>
Executes a Docker command with args
createContainer(String containerName, String imageName, {String? version, List<String>? ports, String? network, String? hostname, Map<String, String>? environment, Map<String, String>? volumes, bool cleanContainer = false, String? healthCmd, Duration? healthInterval, int? healthRetries, Duration? healthStartPeriod, Duration? healthTimeout, String? restart}) Future<ContainerInfos?>
Creates a Docker container with containerName, image and optional version.
createNetwork([String? networkName]) Future<String?>
Creates a Docker network with networkName.
createService(String serviceName, String imageName, {String? version, int? replicas, List<String>? ports, String? network, String? hostname, Map<String, String>? environment, Map<String, String>? volumes, String? healthCmd, Duration? healthInterval, int? healthRetries, Duration? healthStartPeriod, Duration? healthTimeout}) Future<Service?>
Creates a Docker service with serviceName, image and optional version. Note that the Docker Daemon should be in Swarm mode.
createTempFile(String content) Future<String?>
Creates a temporary file.
deleteTempFile(String filePath) Future<bool>
Deletes a temporary filePath.
ensureInitialized() Future<bool>
Ensures that this instance is initialized.
exec(String containerName, String? command, List<String> args, {bool outputAsLines = true, int? outputLimit, OutputReadyFunction? stdoutReadyFunction, OutputReadyFunction? stderrReadyFunction, OutputReadyType? outputReadyType}) Future<DockerProcess?>
Executes a command inside this container with args Only executes if isContainerRunnerRunning containerName returns true.
execAnConfirmExit(String containerName, String command, List<String> args, int desiredExitCode) Future<bool>
Calls exec than waitExit.
execAndWaitExit(String containerName, String command, List<String> args, {int? desiredExitCode}) Future<int?>
Calls exec than waitExit.
execAndWaitStderr(String containerName, String command, List<String> args, {int? desiredExitCode}) Future<Output?>
Calls exec than waitStderr.
execAndWaitStderrAsString(String containerName, String command, List<String> args, {bool trim = false, int? desiredExitCode, Pattern? dataMatcher}) Future<String?>
Calls execAndWaitStderrAsString and returns Output.asString.
execAndWaitStdout(String containerName, String command, List<String> args, {int? desiredExitCode}) Future<Output?>
Calls exec than waitStdout.
execAndWaitStdoutAsString(String containerName, String command, List<String> args, {bool trim = false, int? desiredExitCode, Pattern? dataMatcher}) Future<String?>
Calls execAndWaitStdoutAsString and returns Output.asString.
execWhich(String containerName, String commandName, {bool ignoreCache = false, String? def}) Future<String?>
Call POSIX which command. Calls exec with command which and args commandName. Caches response than returns the executable path for commandName.
formulaExec(String formulaName, String functionName, [List? arguments, Map<String, dynamic>? fields]) Future
Executes a formula function.
getContainerIP(String name) Future<String?>
Returns the container IP by name.
getFormulaClassName(String formulaName) Future<String?>
Returns the class name of a formula.
getFormulaFields(String formulaName) Future<Map<String, Object>>
Returns the formula fields/properties.
getSwarmInfos() Future<SwarmInfos?>
Returns a SwarmInfos. Only if in Swarm mode.
initialize() Future<bool>
Initializes instance.
isContainerARunner(String containerName) bool
Returns true containerName has a DockerRunner.
isContainerRunnerRunning(String containerName) bool
Returns true if DockerRunner of containerName is running.
isContainerRunning(String containerName) Future<bool>
Returns if containerName is running (checks at Docker Daemon).
isDaemonRunning() Future<bool>
Returns true if Docker daemon is accessible.
isInSwarmMode() Future<bool>
Returns true if this Docker Daemon is in Swarm mode.
listFormulasFunctions(String formulaName) Future<List<String>>
List the functions of a formula.
listFormulasNames() Future<List<String>>
List the current available formulas names.
listServicesNames() Future<List<String>?>
Returns a list of services names.
listServiceTasks(String serviceName) Future<List<ServiceTaskInfos>?>
Returns a list of ServiceTaskInfos of a service by serviceName.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
openContainerLogs(String containerNameOrID) Future<DockerProcess?>
Opens a Container logs, by containerNameOrID.
openServiceLogs(String serviceNameOrTask) Future<DockerProcess?>
Opens a Service logs, by serviceNameOrTask.
psContainerNames({bool all = true}) Future<List<String>?>
Executes Docker command docker ps --format "{{.Names}}"
removeContainer(String containerNameOrID, {bool force = false}) Future<bool>
Removes a container by containerNameOrID.
removeNetwork(String? networkName) Future<bool>
Removes a Docker network with networkName.
run(String image, {String? version, List<String>? imageArgs, String? containerName, List<String>? ports, String? network, String? hostname, Map<String, String>? environment, Map<String, String>? volumes, bool cleanContainer = true, String? healthCmd, Duration? healthInterval, int? healthRetries, Duration? healthStartPeriod, Duration? healthTimeout, bool outputAsLines = true, int? outputLimit, OutputReadyFunction? stdoutReadyFunction, OutputReadyFunction? stderrReadyFunction, DockerContainerInstantiator? dockerContainerInstantiator}) Future<DockerContainer?>
Runs a Docker container, using image and optional version.
startContainer(String containerNameOrID) Future<bool>
Starts a container by containerNameOrID.
stopContainer(String containerNameOrID, {Duration? timeout}) Future<bool>
Stops a container by containerNameOrID with an optional timeout.
swarmInit({String? advertiseAddress, String? listenAddress}) Future<SwarmInfos?>
Initialize swarm mode. Returns the secret key to join the cluster.
swarmLeave({bool force = false}) Future<bool>
Leaves a swarm cluster.
swarmSelfNodeID() Future<String?>
Returns the node ID of the current Docker Daemon the swarm cluster.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

The current version of docker_commander package.